
357 projects

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Urban Šilc 5 Mar 2013

Conservation of Halophytic Vegetation in Coastal Lagoons in Albania

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Qenan Maxhuni 30 Jan 2013

Preliminary Bird Inventory in Kosovo

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emina Sunje 17 Jan 2013

Distribution and Conservation of Endangered Prenj Black Salamander (Salamandra atra prenjensis) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Establishment of Long Term Monitoring

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Yuriy Vergeles 21 Dec 2012

Endangered White-Headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala) in the Crimea, Ukraine: Protection for Neglected Part of Migration Route

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jovica Sjenicic 29 Nov 2012

The Research of the Bird Fauna in Potential IBA Areas in the Northern Part of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Ana Golubović 11 Oct 2012

Distribution and Conservation of Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in Serbia

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Dmitry Grummo 20 Sep 2012

Development and Implementation of Conservation Plan for the Oldest Bog in Belarus

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Milica Lukovic 21 Aug 2012

Sustainable Use and Management of Halophytic Grasslands as Key Element for Biodiversity Conservation

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David Grabovac 26 Apr 2012

Conservation of Great Bustard (Otis tarda) on its Last Breeding Site in Serbia

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Maxim Tarantovich 26 Mar 2012

Revelation of Viability and Furtherance of Conditions which will Help Population and Range Expansion of Roller in Belarus


Uros Pantovic 22 Mar 2012

Survey and Conservation of Ecologically Valuable Limestone Gorges in Serbia

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Mátyás Prommer 30 Jan 2012

Conservation of the Saker Falcon in the Ukrainian Steppes: Survey, Risk Assessment and Implementing Conservation Measures

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Andrey Atemasov 23 Sep 2011

Conservation of Corncrakes During Autumn Migration in Southern Ukraine. The Plain Crimea

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Stanislav G. Viter 1 Sep 2011

The International Year of Forests in the North-Eastern Ukraine: Establishing of Long-Term Program on Forest Biodiversity Conservation

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Marina Kipson 3 Aug 2011

Strengthening the Support and Scientific Evidence for Conservation of ‘Europe’s Amazon’ through Monitoring of Bats as Bio-Indicators and Involvement of Community

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Gennady Goncharov 19 Jul 2011

Proposition and Promotion of Wildlife-Conservation Techniques of Census and Observation for the Research on Water Inhabitants of National Park

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North Macedonia

Mitko Karadelev 13 Jul 2011

Establishing a Red List of Fungi and Important Fungal Areas in Fyr of Macedonia

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dušan Jelić 13 Jul 2011

Distribution and Conservation of Highly Endangered Karst Viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Establishment of Long Term Monitoring

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Igor Trivic 8 Jun 2011

Protection of White Storks and Education on the Importance of Biodiversity

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ena Hatibovic 19 May 2011

Assessment and Promotion of Biodiversity Values of Three Karst Poljes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dejan Kulijer 14 Apr 2011

Research and Conservation of Dragonfly Species of European Concern and their Habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Zorica Popović 18 Mar 2011

Medicinal Plant Biodiversity and Usage in the Area of Deliblato Sands

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Miloš Popović 8 Feb 2011

Endangered Serbian Butterflies – Urgent Need for Research and Conservation

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Jim Eleazer 1 Dec 2010

Gorgany Mountain Range Ecotrails

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Milan Ruzic 10 Nov 2010

Conservation of Long-eared Owl Asio otus Winter Roosts in the Province of Vojvodina