Indian Sub-continent

1262 projects

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Vishal Santra 15 Aug 2018

Surveys of Venomous Snakes and Other Reptiles in the Himalayan Biodiversity Hot-Spot

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Karma Gyeltshen 12 Jul 2018

Population Status and Diet of Sympatric Hornbills in Jomotsangkha Wildlife Sanctuary (JWS), Bhutan

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Kiran Thapa Magar 12 Jul 2018

Status, Distribution, Threats and Conservation Initiatives of the Alpine Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster) in the Api Nampa Conservation Area, Far Western Nepal

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Shiva Devkota 12 Jul 2018

Initiative on Addressing the Ecology, Ethnomycology and Conservation Issues of Wild Mushrooms in the Southern Flanks of Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Pema Khandu 11 Jul 2018

Foraging Activity Patterns of Critically Endangered White-Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) in Punatshangchu and Mangdechu River Basins of Bhutan

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Jamuna Prajapati 9 Jul 2018

Empowering Local Communities for Snow Leopard Conservation in Lower Mustang, Annapurna Conservation Area

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Sunil Khatiwada 5 Jul 2018

Community Engagement for Conservation of Endangered Ganges River Dolphin outside Protected Area in Karnali River, Nepal

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Tshering Wangchuk 4 Jul 2018

Assessment of Population Status, Distribution and Conservation of Two Critically Endangered Vultures in Royal Manas National Park

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Vikram Aditya 4 Jul 2018

Assessing the Impacts of Hunting and Illegal Trade on Wildlife in the Northern Eastern Ghats, India Focusing on the Indian Pangolin

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Jignasu Dolia 2 Jul 2018

Nesting Ecology and Conservation of King Cobras in the Himalayan State of Uttarakhand, India

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Sarabjeet Kaur 2 Jul 2018

Foraging Ecology of Great Slaty Woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus) in and around Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve in Western Himalaya

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Pratichhya Shrestha 2 Jul 2018

Baseline Information and Conservation Initiatives of Hispid Hare (Caprolagus hispidus (Pearson, 1839)) in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Ganesh Puri 27 Jun 2018

Understanding Patterns and Dynamics of Herders-Snow Leopard Conflict for Piloting Non-Lethal Mitigation Measures in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Western Nepal

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Sujata Karki 26 Jun 2018

Big Cats (Common/Clouded/Snow Leopard, and Tiger) Conservation in Nepal: Role of Media to Combat Crime and Conflict of Carnivores

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Raman Kumar 25 Jun 2018

Improving Public Awareness to Promote Conservation of Keystone Species and their Habitat in Human-Modified Landscapes: Hornbills in Western Himalayas

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Prajwol Manandhar 14 Jun 2018

Developing Cost-Effective Molecular Tools to Identify Wild Felids around Kathmandu Valley through Non-Invasive Genetic Sampling

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Samjhana Kawan 13 Jun 2018

Community Based Solid Waste Management for Conservation of Lesser Adjutant in Bardia, Western Nepal

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Susma Giri 13 Jun 2018

Parasite Prevalence and Loads across Elevations in Apis laboriosa from Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Ritika Prasai 12 Jun 2018

Analyzing Bengal Floricans’ (Houbaropsis bengalensis) Population Distribution Pattern in Different Grassland Habitat in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal

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Hira Fatima 11 Jun 2018

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Wolves in Pakistan Using Genetics

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Sri Lanka

Ashan Nimantha Thudugala 5 Jun 2018

Monitoring and Conservation of Small Wild Cats in Human Mediated Landscapes in Hill Country, Sri Lanka

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Arjun Adit 5 Jun 2018

Orchid Bio-Inventory Survey of Tripura, India

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Sushan Mani Shakya 4 Jun 2018

Citizen Science Development for Conservation of Hornbills in the Eastern Tropics of Nepal

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Ashni Kumar Dhawale 29 May 2018

Ecological and Behavioural Adaptations of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque to a Rainforest–Anthropogenic Habitat Matrix in India: Implications for Management I

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Tilak Thapamagar 29 May 2018

Community Stewardship for the Sustainable Conservation of Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster) in Khaptad National Park, Nepal