Indian Sub-continent

1262 projects

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Pujan Prasad Adhikari 15 Mar 2018

Status of, and Conservation Approach to, the Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica Roxburgh, 1801) in Narayani River, Chitwan National Park, Nepal


Charles Olivier Arvin Pasnin 13 Mar 2018

Harnessing Biodiversity of Marine Sponges on the Mascarene Islands (Western Indian Ocean) for Improving Marine Conservation

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Vishnupriya Sankararaman 13 Mar 2018

Exploring Challenges to Conservation of Stream Amphibian Diversity in Agro-Plantation Landscapes of the Western Ghats

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Dol Raj Thanet 8 Mar 2018

Understanding Human-Tiger Interactions: Implication for Human-Tiger Conflict Mitigation in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Deu Bahadur Rana 8 Mar 2018

Distribution Occupancy, Potential Suitable Habitat and Conservation of Recolonised Wolf in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Krishna Prasad Pokharel 27 Feb 2018

Connectivity Survey of Four-Horned Antelope in Human Disturbed Landscape between Chitwan and Banke National Parks

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Hemanta Dhakal 26 Feb 2018

Strengthen and Extension of Participatory Conservation of Critically Endangered Slender-Billed Vulture Gyps tenuirostris in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal

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Sri Lanka

E. M. Lalith Ekanayake 22 Feb 2018

Continuation of the Sea Turtles & Coastal Biodiversity Conservation in Kalpitiya Peninsula, Adjacent Mainland and Nearby Inhabited Small Islands, Sri Lanka

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Nishikant Gupta 21 Feb 2018

A Survey of the Distribution and Population Status of Otters in Uttarakhand, India

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Sara Balouch 13 Feb 2018

Impact of Agriculture Land Management on Reptile Assemblages in Chakwal Pakistan

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Muhammad Asad 9 Feb 2018

Subspecies Status and Distribution of Leopards in Pakistan

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Karuna Karki 7 Feb 2018

Determinants of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Human-Snow Leopard Conflict in Nepal II

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Siddhartha Pati 7 Feb 2018

Trade and By-Catch Assessment of Indian Horseshoe Crab Along with its Conservation by Integrating Education and Awareness Among Community Along Balasore Coast

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Nikhil Whitaker 7 Feb 2018

Using VHF Technology to Monitor Movements of an Apex Predator, the Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris)


Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh 6 Feb 2018

Eco-Conservation of Bumblebees in Himalayan Range of Sakardu, Pakistan by Using Citizen Science

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Shreya Yadav 6 Feb 2018

Coral Reef Function and Functionality in Warming Waters: Examining the Links between Coral Assemblages, Reef Fish Function, and Fishing in the Maldives Archipelago

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Shahriar Caesar Rahman 6 Feb 2018

Conservation and Management of Burmese Python in Bangladesh

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Megha Rao 6 Feb 2018

Occupancy Survey of the Globally Endangered White-Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) and White-Winged Duck (Asarcornis scutulata) in the Brahmaputra River Basin

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Rohit Chakravarty 2 Feb 2018

Establishing a Paradigm for Long-Term Monitoring of Bat Communities along an Elevational Gradient in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand

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Sandesh Gurung 2 Feb 2018

Eagle of the Farmlands: Biology, Threats and their Conservation Actions of the Indian Spotted Eagle (Clanga hastata Lesson 1831) in Lowlands of Nepal


Paromita Ray 22 Jan 2018

Assessing the Conservation Status of Deccan Mahseer in Northern Eastern Ghats, India

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Khadananda Paudel 19 Jan 2018

Evaluating the Factors Limiting the Conservation of Critically Endangered Red-Headed Vulture and Engaging Local Community for the Species Protection in Nepal

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Kaushal Yadav 15 Jan 2018

Seasonal Habitat Use Pattern of Himalayan Black Bear and Focusing Conservation Outreach Program for Forest Dependent Community of Madi Rural Municipality

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Trisha Gupta 15 Jan 2018

Assessing the Effect of Trawl Fisheries on Sea Snake Feeding Ecology along Sindhudurg Coast, Maharashtra

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Pritha Dey 15 Jan 2018

High-Altitude Moth (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) Assemblages: Assessing the Diversity and Potential Bio-Indicator Species in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, India