Indian Sub-continent

1262 projects

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Krishna Prasad Pokharel 14 Apr 2011

The Four-Horned Antelope: The Distribution Patterns, Resource Selection and Immediate Threats in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Virat Jolli 14 Apr 2011

Impacts of Hydro-Electric Development Projects on Critical Habitats for Montane Birds

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Baseer ud din Qureshi 4 Apr 2011

Conservation of Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus Chrysogaster) and their Habitat in Arung Kel Neelum Valley AJK, through Research, Awareness Education and Community

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Uttam Sharma (Luitel) 22 Mar 2011

Rapti River Conservation Education Project (RRCEP)

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Srinivas Gopalakrishnanan 22 Mar 2011

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Large Mammals in Highwavy and its Environs, Southern Western Ghats

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Kadambari Deshpande 16 Mar 2011

Assessing Diversity and Distribution of Bats in Relation to Land-Use and Anthropogenic Threats in the Southern Western Ghats, India

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Dhan B Gurung 14 Mar 2011

Diversity, Distribution, and Ecology of Fishes of Bhutan

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Sindhu Radhakrishna 1 Mar 2011

Population Survey and Conservation of Two Little-Known Primates, Macaca munzala and Nycticebus

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Sri Lanka

Dinarzarde Raheem 1 Mar 2011

Conserving Land Snails in Sri Lanka's Fragmented Tropical Forest Landscapes

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Uttam Babu Shrestha 23 Feb 2011

Sustaining Caterpillar Fungus, Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) for Mountain Life: A study of Ecology, Economics and Ethnobiology of Cordyceps in the Himalayas

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Sneha Vijayakumar 23 Feb 2011

Avian Frugivores – Understanding Determinants of Distribution and Diversity in the Western Ghats, Southern India

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Usham Singh 15 Feb 2011

Developing Solutions for Leopard-Human Conflict in Karnataka: Education Drive to Reduce the Leopard-Human Conflict

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Kartik Shastri 14 Feb 2011

Vulture Conservation in Ahmedabad – A Status of Extensive Conservation Efforts through Regular Monitoring, Rescue, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Awareness Practices

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Krithi K. Karanth 14 Feb 2011

Risk Assessment of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Western Ghats Protected Areas

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Shimona Quazi 8 Feb 2011

Evaluating Biodiversity in Agroforests, Secondary Forests and Teak Plantations in North-Eastern Bangladesh

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Hari Prasad Sharma 8 Feb 2011

Exploration and Diet Analysis of Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) for its Conservation in Khaptad National Park

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Dipesh Joshi 31 Jan 2011

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Top Predators in Lowland Karnali River for Enhanced Conservation and Management of the Aquatic Ecosystem

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Ratna Ghosal 19 Jan 2011

Hormonal and Behavioural Correlates of Musth in Male Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)

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Kunal Patel 10 Jan 2011

Ecology of Rusty Spotted Cat in Kevadi Reserved Forest of Western India with Emphasis Given to Population Status and Radio Telemetry

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Kamal Adhikari 7 Jan 2011

Scale, Socio-Ecological Networks, Corruption and Patronage: Factors Affecting Sustainability of Plant Resources in Nepal

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Alolika Sinha 13 Dec 2010

Ecological Assessment and Fostering Conservation of Hog Deer Axis porcinus in Assam, India

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Dol Raj Thanet 1 Dec 2010

Community Based Human-Tiger Conflict Mitigation in the Western Sector of the Buffer Zone of Chitwan National Park

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Roshan Patrick Rai 1 Dec 2010

Community-Based Mitigation of Human-Wildlife Conflict Around the Singalila National Park, India I

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Ambika Prasad Khatiwada 1 Dec 2010

Ecology and Conservation of Cuon alpinus (Asiatic Wild Dog/Dhole) in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area

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Rucha Karkarey 19 Nov 2010

Assessing the Effects of Mass Coral Bleaching on an Apex Predator Guild (Groupers) of the Lakshadweep Islands