
315 projects

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Pablo Gervasio Grilli 29 Sep 2016

Towards the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Copper-Lizard (Pristidactylus casuhatiensis) in Pampean Hills of Argentina

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Micaela Camino 29 Sep 2016

Conserving the Last Chacoan Peccaries and their Habitats as a Strategy for Conserving the Dry Chaco

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Sofía Zalazar 6 Sep 2016

The Bare-Faced Curassow (Crax fasciolata) as Flagship Species: Its Study and Conservation as Strategy to Protect the Riparian Forest Habitat in Humid Chaco

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María Inés Pereda 23 Jun 2016

Protecting the Saffron-Cowled Blackbird: The Last Population of Argentina’s Grassland Symbol

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María Flavia Caruso 12 May 2016

The Impact of Local People’s Attitudes and Perceptions of Protected Areas on the Conservation of Jaguar (Panthera onca) in Midwest and Northeast Argentinian

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Camila Deutsch 12 May 2016

Ceratophrys ornata, the Giant of the Pampas: Developing a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Strategy

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M. Noelia Barrios-Garcia 23 Mar 2016

Ecosystem Recovery after European Wild Boar Eradication on Cachal Huapi Island, Nahuel Huapi National Park - Patagonia

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Florencia Tiribelli 9 Feb 2016

The Importance of Fuel Structure and Post-Fire Age on the Flammability of Patagonian Ecosystems: An Approach for Wildfire Prevention and Wildlife Conservation

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Sofía Nanni 22 Jan 2016

The Effects of Agriculture Modernization for Ecosystem Services in a Subtropical Watershed II

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Nicolás Pelegrin 4 Jan 2016

Measuring the Impact of Recreational Hunting on Chaco Reptiles in Argentina. Are Educational Activities Helpful Actions to Reduce the Killings?

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Alejandro Huertas Herrera 7 Dec 2015

Biodiversity Responses to Differential Impact of Livestock Management in Nothofagus Antarctica Forests in Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina

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Sebastián Aguiar 18 Nov 2015

Assessing Degradation in Dry Chaco Forests: A Key Process for the Definition of Potential Conservation Areas

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Miguel Iniguez Bessega 3 Nov 2015

Awareness, Eco-Tourism and Research: Conservation of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

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Silvia Cristina Holz 30 Oct 2015

Atlantic Forest Restoration in the Buffer Zone of Iguazu National Park (Misiones, Argentina) II & III


Mario Santos Beade 30 Oct 2015

Pampas Deer Conservation in Argentina Grasslands of Buenos Aires Province

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Sebastián A. Ballari 6 Oct 2015

Interaction Between Non-Native Ecosystem Engineers: The Case of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) and Cattle (Bos taurus) in the Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina

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Kristina Louise Cockle 21 Sep 2015

Parana Pine Forest Project: Research and Outreach to Conserve Nest Sites for Globally Threatened Birds in Argentina

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María Lucrecia Herrero 21 Sep 2015

Conservation of Mountain Soils: Developing Techniques for Establishment of Native Species in Degraded Areas

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María Laura Agüero 14 Aug 2015

Population Ecology of the Endemic Flightless Chubut Steamerduck in Patagonia, Argentina (Tachyeres leucocephalus): Conservation and Management Implications

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Cristina Nuñez Godoy 10 Aug 2015

More than Cashmere: Engaging Herders and Buyers in Wildlife-Friendly Certification to Help Save Endangered Andean Cat in Patagonia

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Alejandro Alberto Schaaf 5 Aug 2015

Effect of Conventional Logging on Cavity-Nesting Birds in Northwestern Argentina - Implications for Sustainable Forest Management

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María Daniela Rodríguez 21 Jul 2015

Effect of Fire on Structure and Functioning of Mammal´s Communities in Desertified Aridlands

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María Belén Argüelles 7 Jul 2015

Urban Southern Right Whales: Pattern Use of Bahía Nueva and Collision Risk with Ships in a Traffic Maritime Area in Patagonia, Argentina I

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Ana Cinti 10 Jun 2015

Assessing the Performance of Institutional Arrangements to Reconcile Conservation and Small-Scale Fisheries in Marine Protected Areas: Cases from South America

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Maria Laura Gelin 10 Jun 2015

Conserving Top Predators in Patagonian Landscape with Wildlife Migrations