
615 projects

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Abishek Harihar 28 Nov 2011

Assessing Human-Tiger Conflict in the North-Western Terai Arc Landscape, India: Developing Management Strategies to Secure Viable Tiger Populations

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Nandini Velho 28 Nov 2011

Protection from Poaching: How Does Hunting Intensity on Sensitive Wildlife Differ with Various Protection Regimes?

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Arun Kanagavel 11 Oct 2011

Assessing the Population and Threats to Forest-Dwelling Chelonians in the Southern Western Ghats

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Asmita Kabra 4 Oct 2011

Initiating Community Based Conservation in the Buffer Area of the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary

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Prakash Bhandari 30 Sep 2011

Sustainable Utilisation based Conservation of NTFPs through Community Institutions in Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India II

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Vivek Thuppil 23 Sep 2011

Experimental Mitigation of Crop-Raiding by Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) Using Low Cost Predator-Mimicking Sound Playback Devices

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Prachi Mehta 22 Sep 2011

An Assessment of Distribution, Status and Threats to Endemic Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica) in Northern Western Ghats, India

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Jayaditya Purkayastha 31 Aug 2011

Showcasing Urban Herpetofauna: A Conservational Effort through Community Participation

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Namita Brahma 17 Aug 2011

Conservation of Critically Endangered Bengal Florican through Population & Habitat Monitoring and by Strengthening Community Participation in Manas National Park

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Rajkamal Goswami 3 Aug 2011

Faunal Inventory and Conservation of Threatened Community Forest in Meghalaya

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Udayan Borthakur 13 Jul 2011

Survey and Conservation of Owls in the Protected and Unprotected Areas of Meghalaya, India

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Nilesh Heda 13 Jul 2011

Conservation of Riverine Resources through People’s Participation III

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Rajat Ramakant Nayak 13 Jul 2011

Consumer Control and Vegetation Response: The Fire-Vegetation-Grazing Dynamics in the Western Himalayan Landscape

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Mayuresh Gangal 13 Jun 2011

Assessing Impact of Fisheries on Target Fish Populations and Socio Economic Drivers of Fisheries

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Subir Mario Chowfin 23 May 2011

Crocodilian and Freshwater Turtle Research and Conservation Project, Uttarakhand, India

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Shimanta kr. Goswami 19 May 2011

Elephant Habitat Management through Community Participation in Selected Villages of the East Karbi Hills of Assam, India

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Pushkin Phartiyal 19 May 2011

Developing Compass of Environmental Education Tourism in Community Forests (Van Panchayats): Learning to Sustainability

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Andrew Yoak 19 May 2011

The Emerging Threat of Disease to Wildlife from Feral Dogs

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Virat Jolli 14 Apr 2011

Impacts of Hydro-Electric Development Projects on Critical Habitats for Montane Birds

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Srinivas Gopalakrishnanan 22 Mar 2011

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Large Mammals in Highwavy and its Environs, Southern Western Ghats

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Kadambari Deshpande 16 Mar 2011

Assessing Diversity and Distribution of Bats in Relation to Land-Use and Anthropogenic Threats in the Southern Western Ghats, India

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Sindhu Radhakrishna 1 Mar 2011

Population Survey and Conservation of Two Little-Known Primates, Macaca munzala and Nycticebus

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Sneha Vijayakumar 23 Feb 2011

Avian Frugivores – Understanding Determinants of Distribution and Diversity in the Western Ghats, Southern India

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Usham Singh 15 Feb 2011

Developing Solutions for Leopard-Human Conflict in Karnataka: Education Drive to Reduce the Leopard-Human Conflict

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Kartik Shastri 14 Feb 2011

Vulture Conservation in Ahmedabad – A Status of Extensive Conservation Efforts through Regular Monitoring, Rescue, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Awareness Practices