
32 projects

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Alyona Kaptyonkina 5 Jul 2024

Conservation of Egyptian Vulture and Other Avian Scavengers in Mountainous Regions of South and Southeast Kazakhstan

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Aibat Muzbay 6 Feb 2024

Research on Vegetation Composition and Biomass Production in the Ural (Kazakhstan) Steppe Ecosystem for the Solution of Human-Wildlife Conflict

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Altynay Kaidarova 23 Jan 2023

Current Status of Caspian Sea Coastal Waters in Kazakhstan and Rehabilitation of Caspian Seals

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Zhaskairat Nurmukhambetov 22 Mar 2022

Monitoring of Specially Protected Species of Birds of Prey and Mammals Using Camera Traps at Feeding Sites in the Ustyurt State Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan

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Heliana Dundarova 25 Feb 2022

Conservation of the Cave Dwelling Bat Communities in South Kazakhstan

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Alen Shakirov 19 Jan 2022

Comprehensive Study of Endemic Fish Species of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan

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Alexey Grachev 30 Mar 2021

New Sub-Population of the Saker Falcon in Southern Balqash: Features, Threats, Trend Assessment, and Involvement of Students in Educational Conservation

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Ivan Zuban 24 Jun 2020

Assessment of the Risks of Red-Breasted Goose Death from Illegal Hunting on Migration Routes in Kazakhstan and Other Countries

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Bizhanova Nazerke 13 Feb 2020

Population and Conservation Status of the Turkestan Lynx (Lynx lynx isabellina Blyth, 1847) in the Kazakh Part of the Northern Tien Shan


Sergey Vasiljevich Titov 5 Aug 2019

Assessment of the Population Status of the Moth Catocala deducta and the Development of Measures to Preserve its Habitats in the Floodplain of the Irtysh River

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Ivan Zuban 18 Jul 2018

Studying Rare and Hunting Species of Geese and Branta in the North of Kazakhstan and Creation of Monitoring System and Set of Actions for their Protection

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Alen Shakirov 31 May 2018

The Study of Endemic Fish Species of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan

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Georgiy Shakula 24 May 2018

Menzbir Marmot (Marmota menzbieri) Current Status in Central Asia


Zhaskairat Nurmukhambetov 19 Apr 2018

Project Continuation of Monitoring of Vulture Supplemental Feeding Sites and Assessment of Vulture Populations Status in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan

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Alyona Koshkina 5 Jul 2017

Identifying Migration Routes to Conserve Central Asian Population of White-Headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)

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Anna Barashkova 6 Apr 2017

Pallas’s Cat in Kazakhstan: From Investigation to Conservation – Phase 2

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Ivan Zuban 18 Apr 2016

Research on a Condition of Populations of Geese and Brents during Migration and Nesting in the Conditions of the North Kazakhstan Area

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Tamás Cserkész 15 Apr 2016

Hidden Biodiversity of Mountain Meadows in East Kazakhstan


Zhaskairat Nurmukhambetov 30 Mar 2016

Creating of Supplemental Feeding Sites for the Conservation of Vulture's Population in Ustyurt State Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan

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Marina Chirikova 29 Mar 2016

Development of Measures for the Conservation of the Desert Monitor in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

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Georgiy Shakula 29 Jun 2015

Menzbir Marmot (Marmota menzbieri) Survival in Kazakhstan

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Fedor Sarayev 30 Sep 2014

Assessment of Bird of Prey Mortality Caused by Electricity Power Lines in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan

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Altay Zhatkanbayev 20 May 2013

Carry Out Research and Actions for Supporting Survival Ile Subspecies of Turkestan Ground-Jay (Podoces panderi ilensis) and Saving their Habitats in Kazakhstan

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Georgiy Shakula 23 Apr 2013

Menzbir Marmot (Marmota menzbieri) Survey and Conservation

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Anna Barashkova 4 Apr 2013

Pallas’s Cat in Kazakhstan: From Investigation to Conservation - Phase 1