
253 projects

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M. Fernanda Urrutia-Osorio 3 Aug 2015

Photo-Identification, Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans in the Gulf of California: Providing Information Needed for Informed Management and Conservation I

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Ronny Roma 9 Jul 2015

Using Participatory Fauna Monitoring to Establish Closed Seasons and Hunting Quotas in the Community of Nopalera Del Rosario, Oaxaca, Mexico

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Natalia Lucia Carrillo Reyna 29 Jun 2015

Movements and Landscape Use of Baird's Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and Influence Zone


Courtney E Cox 25 Jun 2015

Evaluating and Improving Coral Reef Conservation Strategies across the Mesoamerican Coral Reef

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Luz Aura de Wit 24 Jun 2015

Understanding the Role of Feral Cats in the Transmission of Toxoplasmosis in Islands: A Case Study from Two Mexican Islands

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Marco Braasch 10 Jun 2015

Natural regeneration of Pinus oocarpa Under Controlled Silvopastural Grazing in Absence of Fire: A Strategy to Conserve Forests in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas

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Adam Suchley 21 May 2015

Marine Protected Areas and the Coral Communities of the Mexican Caribbean

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Karen Fuentes 7 May 2015

Mexican Caribbean Manta Ray Project

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Anay Serrano Rodríguez 7 May 2015

Evaluating the Fragmentation of Potential Habitat of Campylorhynchus yucatanicus, an Endemic Bird of Yucatan Peninsula for Conservation Aims

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Stephanie J. Rousso 16 Feb 2015

Creation of a Model for Conservation Tourism through Community-based Research and Outreach

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Cecilia Simon 6 Feb 2015

Participatory Monitoring of Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs in a Community Managed Forest: the Case of San Juan Lachao in Oaxaca, Mexico

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Luz Adriana Perez Solano 23 Dec 2014

Spatial and Behavioural Ecology of the Mule Deer in the Chihuahua Desert, Mexico

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David A. Prieto-Torres 11 Dec 2014

Defining Conservation Priorities of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest, One Ecosystem Globally Threatened: Conservation Insights under Future Global Climate Change

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Maripaula Valdés Bérriz 19 Nov 2014

Dispersal of Brosimum Alicastrum Seeds by Tent-Roosting Bats and its Relation to Germination and Seedling Survival in the Lacandon Forest, Chiapas

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Maria Victoria Capello 17 Nov 2014

Dung Beetle Diversity in Intact Forest Landscapes of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve: Implications for Conservation in Adjacent Human-Modified Landscapes

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Miriam San José y Alcalde 24 Oct 2014

The Impact of Landscape and Regional Features on Natural Regeneration of Human-Modified Tropical Rainforests

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Maria Teresa Ruiz Vallejo 4 Aug 2014

An Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Proposal for the Bahia de los Angeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes, Biosphere Reserve, Baja California, Mexico

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Ericka Ceballos 24 Jun 2014

Assessment of the E-Trade of Elephant Ivory in Latin America

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Luis Malpica Cruz 23 May 2014

Quantifying Ecological and Socioeconomic Impacts of an Invasive Predator on Marine Ecosystems

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Tarin Toledo Aceves 31 Jan 2014

Seed Trees for Cloud Forest Restoration

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Ivonne Cassaigne Guasco 29 Jan 2014

Effects of Restoration and Concentration of Natural Prey as a Mitigation Action to Reduce Predation on Livestock by Jaguars and Mountain Lions in Sonora, Mexico

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Aly Veronica Valderrama Villarroel 29 Jan 2014

Conservation Biology of Tilia mexicana, an Endangered Medicinal Tree

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José Antonio Sierra Hueslz 19 Dec 2013

Linking Tourism, Markets, Communities and Forests: Assessing Management Practices for Tropical Conservation and Local Livelihoods

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Adam Hannuksela 2 Dec 2013

Increased Shorebird Monitoring and Training in Sonora, Mexico

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Jose I. Martinez 21 Nov 2013

Lepidoptera Research for Conservation in Yalahau Lagoons State Park, Yucatan, Mexico