Gabriela Martínez de la Escalera 2 Mar 2023
Temporal and Spatial Changes of Ecosystem Health: Case of Los Chanchos Basin, Uruguay
Hugo Ignacio Coitiño Banquero 14 Dec 2020
Monitoring of Mitigation Measures Implemented in Uruguay to Reduce the Impacts of the Roads on the Populations of Medium and Large Mammals

Flávia Pereira Tirelli 23 Oct 2020
Effects of Human Disturbance on Occupancy and Activity Patterns of Carnivora (Mammalia) Species in the Uruguayan Savannah
Camila Deutsch 30 Jun 2020
The Giant of the Pampas: Creating the Grassroots to Conserve Ceratophrys ornata in the South American Grasslands

Gabriela M Velez Rubio 29 Nov 2018
Potential Effects of an Invasive Species on the Foraging Ecology of Green Turtle in a Relevant Feeding and Developmental Area in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Gabriel Laufer 11 Nov 2016
Water Reservoirs as Habitat for Amphibians: Promoting Conservation by Controlling Bullfrog Invasion in Aceguá, Cerro Largo, Uruguay

Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 4 May 2016
Towards Community-Based Marine Protected Areas, for Uruguay’s Coastal and Ocean Waters: "Guardians of the Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary"
Inti Martín Carro Guichón 17 Dec 2015
Diversity and State of Conservation of Medium and Large Mammal Population at the Conservation Area of Quebrada Del Yerbal, Rocha, Uruguay
Adrián Azpiroz 12 Aug 2015
Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in South American Grasslands IV

Gabriela M Velez Rubio 10 Jun 2015
The Endangered Green Turtle in a Plastic Sea: Working from the Protected Areas to Awareness the Uruguayan Society about Marine Debris

Hugo Ignacio Coitiño Banquero 9 Dec 2014
Study of the Impacts Generated by National Routes in the Mammal Populations in Uruguay
Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 9 May 2014
Strengthening Strategies and Actions for the Management and Conservation of the Whales and Dolphins Sanctuary (Uruguay)

Gabriela M Velez Rubio 15 Oct 2013
Conservation and Research in a High-Priority Feeding Area of Juveniles Green Turtle in the South Western Atlantic

Adrián Azpiroz 9 Oct 2013
Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in South American Grasslands III
Juan Andrés Martínez Lanfranco 7 May 2013
Ecology and Conservation of Avian Communities in Native Habitats and Afforested Environments in the Northern Campos Grasslands of Uruguay
Elena Castiñeira Latorre 27 Feb 2013
Ethnobotany to the Conservation in the Protected Area "Quebradas del Norte-Regional Park

Valentina Franco Trecu 15 Feb 2012
Uncovering Population Dynamics of Two Sympatric Otariids Species with Contrasting Population Trends in Uruguay: Otaria favescens and Arctocephalus australis

Gabriel Rocha Sagrera 5 Jan 2012
Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatix cristata) and other Threatened Grassland Birds Conservation in Uruguay

Lucia Ziegler 5 Jan 2012
Developing a Baseline for Amphibian Monitoring through Acoustic Surveys in Uruguay, South America
Jessica Castro 26 Aug 2011
Assessment of the Conservation Status of Montevideo Red Belly Toads (Melanophryniscus montevidensis) in Uruguay
Adrián Azpiroz 7 Sep 2010
Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in the South American Grasslands II

Valentina Franco Trecu 15 Mar 2010
A Comparative Study of the Foraging Strategy and Trophic Oerlap of Two Sympatric Otariids, Otaria flavescens and Arctocephalus australis from Isla de Lobos, Uruguay: Implications for Conservation
Luciana Alonso 18 Dec 2009
Research and Involvement of Local Communities to Ensure Threats Reduction to Sea Turtles at the Foraging Ground of Cerro Verde MPA
Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 15 Dec 2009
Promoting a Sanctuary for Whales: Habitat Conservation and Education of Southern Right Whale in Coastal Communities Uruguay