South Africa

134 projects

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South Africa

Lutendo Mugwedi 15 Jan 2021

Resource Base Assessment of the Endangered Medicinal Plant, Warburgia salutaris

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South Africa

Jessica Lauren Seath 29 Jun 2020

Using Gabions in Eco-Engineering: Habitat Creation, Ecological Value and Societal Perceptions

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 8 Jan 2020

Trans-Disciplinary Conservation Combining Cultural Beliefs, Science and Technology for Population Restoration of the Endangered Southern Ground-Hornbill

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South Africa

Wade Keith Stanton-Jones 8 Jan 2020

Burrow Site Selection in the Sungazer (Smaug Giganteus): Implications for Conservation

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South Africa

Shanan Atkins 11 Dec 2019

Seeking Solutions to the Human-Wildlife Conflict Around Shark Nets in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

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South Africa

Kathleen Frances Carstens 11 Nov 2019

Securing Current and Future Breeding Sites of the Cape Parrot Through Research and Direct Intervention

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South Africa

Yvette Cathrine Ehlers Smith 28 Oct 2019

Milvus parasitus: Migration: Drivers, Land Use and Conflict Under Pressures of Climate Change, Land Transformation and Human-Population Expansion Across Africa

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South Africa

Frans Reynecke 26 Sep 2019

Assessing the Efficacy of Five Commonly Used Snake and Gecko Repelling Agents When Applied Outdoors

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South Africa

Jessica Comley 16 Sep 2019

Population Genetics of Brown Hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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South Africa

Arantxa Blecher 26 Jul 2019

Monitoring Reproductive Endocrine Patterns of the Ground Pangolin (Smutsia temminckii), using their Scales as Hormone Matrix

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South Africa

Merrisa Naidoo 1 Feb 2019

Microplastic Pollution in the Knysna Estuary: Impacts on Syngnathids and Larval Fish

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South Africa

Antoine Marchal 24 Sep 2018

Wildlife 3D Tracking

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South Africa

Lyle Vorsatz 24 May 2018

The Nursery Role of Mangrove Microhabitats at their Northern and Southern Distributional Limits: An Invertebrate and Fish Larval Perspective

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South Africa

David Wechuli 26 Apr 2018

Potential Impacts of Climatic Change on the Foraging Efficiency of Species of Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 19 Apr 2018

The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project II

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South Africa

Mariëtte Estelle Pretorius 7 Mar 2018

Land-Use Change Effects on the Space Use of Cave-Dwelling Bat Assemblages

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South Africa

Morgan Pfeiffer 1 Mar 2018

Cape Vultures and Wind Energy: Unravelling the Effect of Threats and Possible Mitigating Measures

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South Africa

Camille Jacques-Armand Fritsch 29 Jan 2018

Hippos as Ecosystem Engineers: Habitat Use, Ecology and Behaviour of Hippos

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South Africa

Dylan Michael Jacklin 18 Dec 2017

Use of Plant Species within Critically Endangered Renosterveld for Phytoremediation of Glyphosate (Roundup) and Fertilizers, Conserving South Africa's Freshwater Systems

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South Africa

Monique Shanahan 17 Oct 2017

Piloting the Development of Indicators to Assess and Monitor Bat Populations

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South Africa

Adedoja Opeyemi Adebayo 4 Jul 2017

Insect-Flower Interaction Networks along Altitudinal Gradient on a Sentinel Mountain in the Cape Floristic Region Biodiversity Hotspot

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South Africa

Louw Claassens 21 Jun 2017

Ecology of Hippocampus capensis (Pices: Syngnathidae) with Specific Focus on Site Fidelity, Home-Range Extent and Habitat Availability

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South Africa

Trang Nguyen 6 Apr 2017

The Impact of Traditional Asian Medicines on African Wildlife: The Role of East Asian Immigrants

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South Africa

Lindy Jane Thompson 14 Mar 2017

Ecology and Movements of the Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus, in the Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere Reserve, South Africa

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South Africa

Timothy Kuiper 20 Feb 2017

Improving Elephant Monitoring and Management in Closed Protected Systems in South Africa