South Africa

134 projects

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 30 Apr 2014

Re-Wilding of Southern Ground-Hornbills I

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South Africa

Lauren De Vos 28 Feb 2014

False Bay on Film: Optimising Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning Using Stereo-Bruvs in False Bay, South Africa

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South Africa

Shivan Parusnath 11 Feb 2014

Conservation Genetics and Population Ecology of the Sungazer (Smaug giganteus), A Threatened Endemic Lizard

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South Africa

Peter Teske 10 Feb 2014

A Second Look at the Conservation Genetics of the Endangered Knysna Seahorse: Can New Molecular Tools Improve Management Practices?

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South Africa

Bryan Maritz 29 Jan 2014

Identifying Target Species for Wildlife Conservation in South Africa – Implications for Sustainable Biodiversity Use

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South Africa

David Gary Marneweck 20 Jan 2014

Ecology of an Inverse Density Dependent Canid: A Case Study of the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) Meta-Population in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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South Africa

Sze-Wing Yiu 20 Jan 2014

Conservation Ecology of Wildlife Reintroduction: Managing Species and Habitats in a Newly Established Reserve in South Africa

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South Africa

Albert Chakona 2 Dec 2013

Distribution, Status and Conservation of a Recently Described, Extremely Narrow Range Endemic Cyprinid, Pseudobarbus skeltoni, from South Africa

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South Africa

Olga Alejandra Vargas Fonseca 2 Dec 2013

Role of Marine Protected Areas in the Population Dynamics of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) along the Southeast Coast of South Africa

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South Africa

Jasper Slingsby 15 Oct 2013

Management and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Habitat of Geometric Tortoises (Psammobates geometricus): Impacts of Alien Grasses, Herbivory and Fire

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South Africa

Kaylee Smit 28 May 2013

The Physiological Dynamics of Intertidal Corals along the East Coast of South Africa: Coping in Marginal Environments

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South Africa

Brent Chiazzari 11 Jan 2013

Genetic Connectivity and Population Structure of the South American Pilchard (Sardinops sagax) and its Impact on Beach Seine-Net Fishery in KwaZulu-Natal

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South Africa

Elsa Bussière 17 Dec 2012

Development of Statistical and Managerial Methods for the Brown Hyena Conservation in Agricultural Areas Where Persecution is Strong

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South Africa

Rainer Schimpf 26 Nov 2012

100 Dives Project

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South Africa

Wilbert Kadye 22 Nov 2012

Assessing the Impact of Multiple Non-Native Invasive Fishes in the Great Fish and Sundays Rivers

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South Africa

Sandy Heather 8 Nov 2012

Understanding Local Indigenous Values Placed on Biodiversity, through Participative Mapping of the Living Landscape in the Pondoland Centre of Endemism

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 8 Nov 2012

The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project I

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South Africa

Paul Van Helden 26 Oct 2012

Namaqua National Park: Anatolian Dogs for Wildlife Conservation II

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South Africa

Michelle Bradshaw (née du Toit) 26 Oct 2012

Feasibility Study of Ultrasonic Acoustic Telemetry of Penguins

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South Africa

Suzanne Jane Milton-Dean 25 Jul 2012

"Renu-Karoo": Developing Indigenous Seed Orchards and Local Skills to Restore Mining and Grazing Damage in Arid Karoo Rangeland IV

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South Africa

Gwenith Susan Penry 28 Jun 2012

Determining the Current Population Size and Foraging Ecology of South African Inshore Bryde’s Whales (Balaenoptera edeni)

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South Africa

Shivan Parusnath 6 Feb 2012

Conservation of the Sungazer (Smaug giganteus)

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South Africa

Keenan Stears 6 Feb 2012

Key Factors Driving the Foraging Ecology of Oribi (Ourebia ourebi): Fear, Cattle and the Quality and Quantity of Food

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South Africa

Rachael Cooper-Bohannon 29 Nov 2011

The Distribution, Ecology and Conservation of Cave-Dwelling Bats in Southern Africa

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South Africa

Leif Petersen 20 Sep 2011

A Pilot Exercise of Biodiversity Mapping in Cape Town’s Illicitly Harvested Habitats for Future Conservation Reference