Building Ecological Database and Assessing Suitable Areas for Madhuca pasquieri (Dubard) H.Ja in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam
In situ and ex situ conservation strategies are essential for protecting threatened plant species. While previous research on these species has largely focused on fundamental aspects such as morphological characteristics, classification, nomenclature, and distribution, areas like cultivar selection and propagation techniques have received less attention. The SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) platform has proven to be a more effective method for collecting and monitoring data on individual species.
SMART platform training in the field. ©Pham Van Trung.
This project aims to enhance conservation efforts with the following objectives: (1) Developing Ex Situ Conservation Techniques: Study propagation techniques from seeds and cuttings to produce offspring plants. This research will inform ex situ conservation activities, ensuring the population of the species is maintained outside its natural habitat, which is crucial for long-term species survival; (2) Capacity Building for Local Rangers: Train local rangers to use the SMART platform, accessible via computers and smartphones, to monitor growth parameters and threats to 90 individuals of the Madhuca pasquieri species. This will enhance their ability to gather accurate data and respond to conservation challenges effectively; (3) Establishing an In Situ Conservation Model: Monitor growth parameters such as Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), total height (H), canopy diameter, threats, and natural regeneration potential within a 20-meter radius of the mother tree for 90 individuals. This will provide valuable data to support in situ conservation efforts and ensure the survival of the species in its natural habitat; (4) Reforestation Efforts: Plant at least 100 trees, propagated from seeds and cuttings, in closed forests in Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province. Suitable areas for planting will be identified based on an analyzed map of the habitat suitable for M. pasquieri, ensuring the trees have the best chance of thriving; (5) Raising Awareness: Increase awareness among local communities and forest rangers through presentations and booklets. These materials will provide information on morphological characteristics, distribution, threats to the species, and propagation techniques from seeds and cuttings, fostering a broader understanding and support for conservation efforts. By addressing both in situ and ex situ conservation needs and engaging local communities, this project aims to create a sustainable model for safeguarding the M. pasquieri species and enhancing biodiversity conservation in the region.