14 Aug 2002 Kilifi Creek, Kenya, Africa Marine | Communities
Promoting Conservation by Strengthening Livelihood of Kilifi Creek Community through Sustainable Utilization of Fisheries Resource, Kilifi Kenya
Many Kenyan coastal communities are poor and use their natural resources for subsistence. This project seeks to use local knowledge to assist in conservation strategies.
Dalmas Oyugi at Lugard's Falls. In the background is the Yatta Plateau.
Most coastal communities are often poor and therefore use their natural resources for subsistence. However, few individuals, especially immigrants, often target the resources for economic mileage. The latter's approach always pose conservation problems.
Traditional management of such coastal resources is always quite successful. However, authority of such communities is often limited, eroded or neglected in many places resulting in more threats to the resources.
The project's goal is to document and provide within one year, the experience and knowledge of local communities on marine and coastal resource conservation strategies as well as sensitize them on conventional conservation strategies.