23 Feb 2024 Bocas del Toro, Panama, Central and Latin America Trade | Marine | Communities | People | Turtles | Reptiles
Four sea turtle species are present in Bocas del Toro, the leatherback turtle, hawksbill, green turtle, and the sporadic loggerhead. In this area, the sea turtles were exploited and used for generations by the local people and the indigenous communities. However, sea turtle takes decreased in the early 90s when monitoring and conservation efforts in the area began. Today, some of the most important nesting beaches for hawksbills and leatherback turtles are located in Bocas del Toro.
Nesting leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at Playa Soropta in Bocas del Toro, Panama. © Daniela Rojas-Cañizales.
Sea turtle consumptive use in Bocas del Toro has not been assessed since the late 90ths, and indigenous and local communities may still use sea turtles as economic and food resources. This social research will focus on understanding the perception of the illegal take of sea turtles and the drivers of this activity. So far, it is unknown how many turtles and nests are taken every year in the area. This information is a step forward in the conservation of these animals and will be essential for the protection of sea turtles in Panama and the Caribbean Sea.