Habitat Restoration, Monitoring, and Community Engagement for the Conservation of Bats in Urban Areas of Southern Province of Rwanda

26 Mar 2024 Ruhango District, Rwanda, Africa Bats | Communities | Education

David Nibishaka

Other projects

21 Sep 2021

Promoting the Conservation of Urban Dwelling Bats and their Roosting Habitats in the Southern Province of Rwanda through Community Outreach and Research

Urban dwelling bats face numerous human-induced threats that jeopardize their survival and well-being. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization are among the most significant challenges, leading to the destruction of crucial roosting sites and foraging areas. Additionally, negative perceptions from urban residents further compound the threats faced by urban dwelling bats. In the southern province of Rwanda, bats reside in various structures and trees planted in urban areas, making them particularly vulnerable to these pressures. This project builds on our previous efforts that initiated bat conservation in urban areas of the southern province of Rwanda amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall objective of this project (2nd RSG) is to implement critical interventions essential for bat conservation in urban areas of the southern province.

During this project, we aim to implement the following interventions:

- Habitat restoration through tree planting in different urban areas localized in our project sites. The planted trees will be used by urban bats for roosting and foraging.

- Engage students and teachers in local schools to enhance their comprehension of the vital role bats play in urban ecosystems. These educational campaigns will help us to dispel prevalent myths, alleviate fears, and nurture a spirit of coexistence between bats and urban residents.

- Continue bat monitoring efforts through the collection of vital data related to bat populations, their behaviours, and their interactions within the urban areas in our project sites. This ongoing monitoring effort will continue to provide us with crucial insights into the health and dynamics of urban bat populations, allowing us to adapt our strategies effectively and contribute to the preservation of bats and their habitats in our project sites.

- Enhance the capacity of the local community members working as bat conservation champions within their respective areas through refresher trainings to enhance their current understanding of bats and better methods for monitoring bats in urbans environments. The BCCs will continue to play a pivotal role in championing the protection of bats and their habitats in urban areas of the southern province.

These proposed interventions will ultimately result in the establishment of thriving bat habitats, the availability of robust bat population data, and increased awareness that fosters a culture of bat conservation in urban areas of the Southern Province.

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