Conserving the Critically Endangered Tana River Red Colobus and Tana Mangabey through Research and Community Education

19 Jul 2007 Tana River, Kenya, Africa Primates | Education

David Nyaga Mugo Mbora

Other projects

14 Aug 2000

Management and Protection of the Red Colobus Monkey, Tana River, Kenya

This project aims to enhance the conservation of two critically endangered primates by integrating research activities with community education and awareness activities.

Individuals from the local community will be trained as technicians to survey primate demography and forest condition. Data from the surveys will be used to determine factors that influence primate population abundance and distribution, to assess the population viability, and to determine management measures needed to enhance conservation. Education and awareness creation seminars and workshops will be conducted in villages throughout the study area. These will be geared towards building local support for conservation.

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