5 Jan 2012 Chitwan Valley, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Birds
Study on Impact of Locally Used Pesticide on Farmland Bird Species and Conservation Initiative
Farmland Based Important Bird Areas (Ibas): Are They Safe from Current Using Practices of Chemical Pesticides?
Encouraging local advanced farmers for non-chemical use and mobilizing them to create awareness amongst other farmers in order to provide safe habitat to farmland bird species.
Direct field visit and farmer consultation.
Chitwan Valley is renowned for farmland bird species and agricultural production. In recent years, excessive use of harmful chemicals; pesticide / insecticide / herbicide to control pest has been eliminating fundamental components of farmland bird's habitat; environment, water, food / preys and covers. Similarly, land productivity is continuously decreasing and people health is also suffering badly from chemical use. Farmer prefers comparatively more toxic pesticides for quick results however they have several negative impacts to health, birds and ecology. Some farmers are too innocent, straight forward and unaware about negative impacts. So, low awareness level is promoting chemical using trend. Because of high chemical demand, sellers are also not paying attention to ecological and health issue.
Somewhere people are misusing chemicals for fishing which is creating threats to water birds also. So, many globally threatened birds were disappeared and some are still in critical stage due to chemicals. By knowing critical issue of farmland bird conservation, farmer groups were formed and activated in first project and taught about impact of pesticide to ecology, environment, birds and human health. First project was able to cover some pockets so this project is planned to motivate other farmers through already formed and taught groups.
Strengthening and mobilization of already formed groups will enhance their own capability and empower other farmers. "Farmer to farmer education" will provide prosperous platform to farmers for conservation ideas sharing and learn from each other.
Project will help to make understanding "How Organic is better than Inorganic Farming?" from health, bird and environment conservation perspective. Framers can separate pesticide impaction level which reduces misuse and discourages toxic chemicals in local market. Interaction programs will alert seller in selling toxic chemicals and make responsible for eco-friendly alternatives. With the implementation project, chemical use will be reduced which ensures the sound habitat in future.