Building Up the Collected Model of Medicinal Plants with the Participation of Local People in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma National Park, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam

20 Dec 2007 Bach Ma National Park Buffer Zone, Vietnam, Asia Plants | Communities | Habitats

Dien Le Thi

Other projects

11 Nov 2010

Conservation of Rare and Threatened Medicinal Plants with High Economic Value in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma National Park

The aims of this project is to conserve the genes of important medicinal plants to provide seed sources for forest plantation and restoration of local people. The collected model will be used for study and the training courses will increase the capability of stakeholders in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park.


Thua Thien Hue has more than 50% of its natural are as mountainous area which is directly affected by the monsoon climate. Thanks to the complicated topography and climate, Thua Thien Hue has its diverse and unique fauna and flora composing of many valuable trees and special forest products of which are the medicinal plants. However, local people only could harvest medicinal plants from natural forest without concerning about the development for a sustainable utilization. In reality, there were several research/projects financed for the development of medicinal plants in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park. Nevertheless, those models of developing medicinal plants implemented in this area only plant medicinal herbs in the home gardens with the purposes of household use only without caring about the market orientation to increase income. Furthermore, many households in the study area as well as adjacent area wish to develop the model on a large scale and with greater composition of species that make the demand for medicinal seedlings increase. In addition, the tendency in giving lectures in Vietnam recently that are “as close to the real conditions as possible” are increasing which shows a need of better study place for student to learn and do research. This requires the collected model of medicinal plants built by local people with the help of scientists to conserve and develop the medicinal plant resources in the area.

My proposed project will be conducted in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, Thua Thien Hue province. The aim of this project is a collection of at least 100 medicinal plant species in the study area, especially those rare and precious that are threatened with extinction. Besides, the model is also a experimenting plot for introducing some medicinal plant species from other ecoregion with the aim of ex-situ conservation.

Through the activities of the project, we hope to:

1) Create more job and income for local people through creating the medicinal plant seed sources to provide to those needed communities.

2) Create a study place, exchanging experience in identifying, harvesting, utilizing, propagating and conserving medicinal plant resource for local people, students, scientists and conservationists.

3) Provide dry specimens for the faculty herbarium as well as posters for teaching and learning activities, technical manuals for local people to be able to practice themselves.

4) Improve local awareness through employment, training, and species conservation network in central region.

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