Primate Survey in Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India

29 Sep 2004 Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary, India, Indian Sub-continent Primates | Mammals

Dilip Chetry

Other projects

12 Jul 2007

Current Status and Conservation of Primates in Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Arunachal Pradesh, India

25 Nov 2009

Conservation Status of Primates in Mouling National Park in the State of Arunachal Pradesh, India

Northeast India held a unique place in the world biodiversity map. The region also enjoys the highest primate diversity in India harbouring 9 species out of the total 15 primate species in the country. The tropical and subtropical forests of Arunachal Pradesh , one of the seven North-eastern states also supports 9 primate species . Moreover, recent surveys report the probable existence of a new species (sub-species) from Namdapha and Pakhe Tiger Reserve in the state .


However, in vast areas of the state including Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary any systematic primate survey is yet to be carried out. Due to its bio-geographical continuity with Myanmar and China, there remains the possibility of occurrence of high primate diversity in Dibang area. Besides, this region is the extreme point of distribution of the primates in India. Current status of the 9 primate species of the region however, shows that all the species need conservation effort in the remaining habitats. Therefore, in the existing scenario of wanton destruction of habitat loss and fragmentation in the entire distribution range in the region, the current project has been proposed to survey the status of primates of the Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary.


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