Assessment of the Status of Marine Fisheries Resources and Management Practices in Sre Ambel Area
The review aims at combining scientific knowledge and local knowledge toward local best practices of mangroves conservation code of conduct in the context of marine resources conservation.
The project located in Sre Ambel Bay where is rich of mangrove resources, but depredated by both human and nature. The review will combine scientific knowledge and local knowledge toward local best practices of mangroves conservation code of conduct in the context of marine resources conservation. Principally, it may convert the open access to property use regime that means mangroves resources is responsible by the local people and authority under their proper management and conservation. Stakeholders who influence the loss of mangroves are local community, local authority and NGO, and central government.
Today Condition of Mangrove in Sre Ambel.
They will directly access to information and knowledge as the results from this study. First results of the review will be disseminating to all stakeholders through a series of workshops. Alternative policy of mangroves conservation will be then drafted and disseminated to all stakeholders in the region, especially the local people who depends their livelihoods on mangroves exploitation, local community fisheries members who fishing in the region, other local groups, and local authority. All data and information will be recorded in database as the baseline purpose, and conduct scientific analysis to produce the research study report and paper before disseminating to academic university and other stakeholders. Dissemination of results through a series of workshops will help to increase the availability of marine stock because of mangroves conservation in the next few years, and the program can help the local and non-resident people to change their behaviour of mangroves damaging activity and concretely focus on local biological resource conservation for the next generation. Code of conduct for mangrove conservation will be from the results of local debate workshop on research findings.
Preliminary Discussion.
The workshops will be conducted twice at local level with participants from various local stakeholders in order to find the information and disseminate the results. First workshop is for collection of information, ideas, and current practices and categorization of opinions toward established code of conduct. Second workshop is for dissemination of research results and preliminary introduction of code of conduct for mangrove conservation. Third workshop will be conducting with regional authority for dissemination of results and proposed alternative code of conducts for mangrove conservation among local government, ordinary people and NGO. Fourth workshop will be at the end of project and involved at the national level to introduce the alternative code of conduct and disseminated all results of project.