3 Sep 2014 Chittagong, Bangladesh, Indian Sub-continent Education | Bats
The main objective of the project is to build the capacity of young biological students and undertake bat conservation research in Bangladesh through intensive training, resource development and field trips. The second objective is to conduct a series of education program among the community people for bat conservation.
Pipistrellus coromandra.
Bats are a neglected and maligned mammals group in Bangladesh. A negative attitude towards the bat is flooded among the community people due to some misconception and disease outbreak. Nipah encephalitis, a viral disease of human associated with date palm sap consumption in Bangladesh hastens the community perception more negatively. The commercial crops owners consider them as only pet without knowing their ecological role.
Rousettus leschenaulti.
Besides bat research is still at remnant level in Bangladesh due to lack of resource and initiative. There are very limited information on diversity and threats to bat causing decline in Bangladesh. As national bat populations are rapidly declining due to human persecution and disturbance, development of awareness and capacity for conservation and research activities is urgently needed.
This project will address this by developing grassroots-level bat conservation activities in Bangladesh. Activities will include a 5-day training workshop for participants nationwide on bat taxonomy and echolocation. After the workshop several field surveys in Chittagong area will be conducted to identify the diversity of bat in Bangladesh. A series of community and schools education events will also arranged during the project period to raise the awareness among the community people of Bangladesh.
A well equipped bat research centre will be developed to facilitate the local researcher by providing the logistic support (mist net, bat detector & other equipment). Other resource development will include the education materials, a enrich website, filed research guide etc. Outcomes will include contributions to the national red list, regional conservation initiatives and development of a foundation for future bat conservation efforts in Bangladesh.