30 Apr 2014 Palk Bay, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats | Education | Mammals
Strengthening Participatory Dugong Habitat Conservation and Awareness in Northern Palk Bay
Upgrading Dugong Rescue and Release Unit and Expanding Volunteer Network with Local Stakeholders
To create thematic GIS maps of seagrass beds, dugong feeding spots in Palk Bay and to create awareness among local youths on conservation of dugongs and its habitat.
Sea cucumber in Palk Bay.
The proposed project is a follow up of our seagrass-dugong research and awareness. With more advanced seagrass survey equipments and logistics, we will be able to precisely mapping the seagrass-dugong feeding area through this project. At the end of proposed project, we will be completed acoustic survey in 184 kms in near shore area, resulting high resolution thematic maps of seagrass distribution, canopy height, bathymetry and substrate type and demarcation of possible dugong feeding spots. Research outputs of our seagrass-dugong habitat will be educated to around 2500 students of coastal village schools through this proposed project.