18 Jan 2016 Palk Bay, India, Indian Sub-continent Marine | Communities | Education | Mammals
Upgrading Dugong Rescue and Release Unit and Expanding Volunteer Network with Local Stakeholders
To promote the establishment of community based seagrass protected sites and sustainable fishery methods by promoting positive livelihood support for fishing community.
The project aims to negotiate with local stakeholders i.e., fishing communities for promoting sustainable fishery methods in order to protect seagrass beds. To achieve this we will directly meet fishing communities for creating awareness using our previous project results (map of seagrass beds and underwater habitat photos and video clips) to negotiate for the application of sustainable fishing methods and providing positive support through this project for improving basic common facilities in selected villages. We expect to select a particular, small area of seagrass bed which can be protected from any kind of fishing activities. If our organization and stakeholders agree during the first three meetings for what can be practically done for promoting conservation of seagrass beds, possible sustainable fishery methods and the support needed for betterment of local community infrastructure, this project will initiate a first time field based positive solution in Palk Bay.
Building, April 2016
However, the fishers with local panchayat system will jointly bring out the strategies, sites and solutions during the project period for which our organization will facilitate the meetings and initiate every step of the project. In addition to this school based awareness events and field trips will be organized by Omcar Foundation for creating awareness about the need for the conservation of seagrass meadows through sustainable fishing methods. The whole project needs to gain the support and confidence of local stakeholders with our organization in the first few months by providing positive support for improving their basic facilities within the budget, after which the site selection for seagrass protected sites and modification in fishing gears for sustainable fishery will be carried out by the community. We expect to continue our effort long-term in the same villages by involving other local organizations in near future and replicate this methodology in other parts along the coast of Palk Bay.
Building, September 2016