Conservation of the Great Snipe through a Development of Appropriate Habitat Management and Public Awareness
The main aims of the project are confirmation of the conservation status of the Great Snipe in order to prevent the hunt for this species; increase of public awareness and attention to problems of the species conservation; ecological education of the Sporovo Reserve Staff and pilot restoration of breeding habitats in this reserve.
Coordinate determination of the lek in the Neman River valley.
The Great Snipe is currently classified as “Near Threatened” at global level or SPEC 1 (IUCN 2002; Birdlife International, 2004). Thus its conservation is among the nature conservation priorities in Europe. One of the large breeding populations of the Great Snipe is placed in Belarus. The first important data concerning to numbers and biology of this species in Belarus were collected during implementation of special project in 2000-2001. According to gathered data it was supposed that during past 40 years a 2-2.5-fold decline of breeding population in Belarus was caused by the habitat loss. Financial support from the 1st SRG allowed us to significantly extend our field studies of the species and to develop the National Conservation Action Plan. The project contributed to the successful protection of the Great Snipe and it was included in the list of protected birds.
Nevertheless, some factors increase the negative impact on the breeding population, and other threats still remain. Gathered data indicated disappearance of some leks or reduction of bird numbers by reason of overgrowing habitats like in the Sporovo Reserve. It is worried that the hunting lobby try to exclude the species from the Red Data Book of Belarus and to renew a hunt for it.
During implementation of the project we plan:
(1) to estimate conditions of key breeding habitats of the Great Snipe discovered in 2001-2006 and to determine current threats;
(2) to compare numbers of males in key breeding sites with data of previous censuses for confirmation of the conservation status of the species;
(3) to conduct a training workshop with the Sporovo Reserve staff on ecology of the Great Snipe and possible measures to maintain the breeding population;
(4) to perform a pilot restoration of the breeding habitats in the Sporovo Reserve using special combine (ratrak) for mowing and cutting bushes;
(5) to increase a public awareness and attract attention to the problems of the species conservation using APB-Birdlife Belarus website and mass-media.