Integrated Action for Conservation of Dunga Kajulu Ecosystems through Enterprise Development
This project plans to create new and enhance old partnerships between various groups that include the community, the private sector, environmental/conservation NGOs and government departments for sustainable Dunga swamp conservation.
A family visiting Dunga Swamp for a picnic. Bost rides, bird watching and site-seeing become prominent business for local guides, after intensive site marketing by this project.
This project plans to create new and enhance old partnerships between various groups that include the community, the private sector, environmental/conservation NGOs and government departments for sustainable Dunga swamp conservation. It focuses on promoting ecotourism in Dunga in order to ensure the ralization of community benefits which in turn will promote community based advocacy for the swamp. this will be done by marketing Dunga swamp internationally to promote ecotourism that will also improve local livelihoods.
One of the partnerships enhancement meetings held at Wildlife Clubs of Kenya in Kisumu.
The project also plans to enhance partnerships between various schools around lake Victoria wetlands through promoting communication between them on issues affecting lake Victoria wetlands moreso Dunga through an environmental magazine. This will ensure that issues on Dunga are raised to concerned government authorities for action even at school level hence promoting the involvement of the young people in environmental conservation at an early age.
Finally the project will ensure active involvement of the community groups in Dunga conservation through capacity building for community group leaders on best ways to promote community based advocacy. Wetland wardens and scouts will be trained o promote active community involvement. A learning exchange program for the trained leaders is planned to enable them learn from experiencing from a community group that has succeeded in rallying the rest of the community in conserving a natural resource through implementing lessons learnt from the learning exchange trip.