7 Jun 2013 Bogor, Indonesia, Asia Communities | People | Education | Plants
Introducing the Islamic Hima and Harim System for New Approach to Nature Conservation in Indonesia
Introducing the Islamic Hima and Harim System as a New Approach to Nature Conservation in Indonesia Phase II
Awareness in Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade through Pesantren Education in Riau, Sumatra
The Project seeks to illustrate how Pesantren (or Islamic Boarding Schools) can preserve the environment and uphold biodiversity principles by building upon the work of the initial project.
The potential area for establishing biodiversit park.
This project is a continuation of the previous project with innovative model of the harim zone as example for the local communities in the involvement of biodiversity protection. The project will be conducted at Daarul Ulum Islamic School which has committed establishing 1.8 hectares land area that will be use for demonstration area.
This project has two focuses: Biological diversity education that refers to the national commitment formulated within the Indonesian Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan (IBSAP) and demonstration project pilot that can become a model for learning processes concerning biodiversity for the local communities.
The expected outcomes from this project will be as follows:
1. Capacity building - of local institutions to manage and conserve forests and their ecosystem services through a locally produced governance framework.
2. The establishment of ex-situ and insitu Biodiversity Park Model by selection and planting beneficial plants that have high biodiversity values in the zone harim, Darul Ulum Lido in a practical way as Exsitu Biodiversity Park.
3. The establishment of a website for the eco-pesantren with a focus on land use utilizing elements of biodiversity.
The activities conducted will be as follows:
1. Train local teachers and senior students and stakeholders about Indonesian biodiversity and best practices in maintaining biodiversity for local forests and landscapes.
a) Provide two 2-3 trainings which will look at enhancing conservation knowledge and practice as well as promote the sustainable use of biodiversity.
b) The setting up and function of small scale of arboretum models in Schools will be taught so as to enable learning for the student body and the community.
2.Design a modelling of Pesantren Biodiversity ex-situ Botanical Park at Pesantren Modern Darul Ulum Lido, with the method as follows:
a) Develop a master professional design for 1.8 ha harim zone of Daarul Ulum Lido as pilot project for in situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation model.
b) Select and grow species of flora that have biodiversity values and practical use for the communities: such as medicinal plants, flowers that may enrich butterflies, pollination prospects and attract insect life.
3. Develop a website and host the eco-pesantren website. www.ekospesantren.com as a base of shared learning for eco –pesantren (an environmentally-friendly Islamic Boarding school. The website that will be set as a long term base for the purposes of shared learning and vision of creating a Green Islamic School. The potential visitation numbers are estimated to be around 21,000 (Islamic school boarding school in Indonesia) and over 4 million students and educators around the country.