Lake Simbi Nyaima Eco-Cultural Conservation Project I

11 Nov 2010 Lake Simbi Nyaima, Kenya, Africa

Francis Odhiambo Omungo

Other projects

28 Jun 2012

Lake Simbi Nyaima Eco-Cultural Conservation Project II

The aim of the project is to mobilize the grass-root communities for the restoration, management and conservation of Lake Simbi Nyaima in Rachuonyo District, Kenya.


Lake Simbi Nyaima is a crater lake a few kilometres from the shores of Lake Victoria. The lake is critical transitional refugia of migrating lesser flamingos from Rift Valley lakes due to its favourable climate and food abundance. Likewise home to diverse resident birds. Luo tribe attaches great importance to the site because of its legendary story. However, anthropogenic activities; pollution and clearing of fringe vegetation threaten the lake. The situation is exacerbated by lack of any protection regime. This project aim to mobilize local communities and other like-minded stakeholders towards restoration, management and conservation of the lake.

Project aim:

a) To mobilize the grass-root communities for the restoration, management and conservation of Lake Simbi Nyaima.

Project Specific Objectives:

i. To undertake eco-cultural research on Lake Simbi Nyaima flora, fauna and cultural attributes to inform its conservation initiatives.

ii. To train and build the capacity of Lake Simbi Nyaima Conservancy Officials and Volunteers on integrated lake ecosystem conservation and conservancy management so as to spearhead conservation initiatives at the grass-root level.

iii. To undertake nature education and public awareness for desired attitudinal and behavioural change among community members and other stakeholders towards the conservation of the lake.

The expected project outcomes will include;

a) Baseline information in the form of a report detailing the biophysical and cultural attributes of the lake and their status. This will inform conservation and lead to application and lobby to the relevant authorities to designate the lake as IBA and Heritage or cultural site to boost its conservation status and allocation of resources for its conservation.

b) Training and empowering of officials and local volunteers on strategic lake ecosystem restoration, management and conservation to sustainably spearhead required interventions.

c) Functional and vibrant Lake Simbi Nyaima Conservancy and registered with relevant Government authorities to deliver desired interventions.

d) Nature Education and Public Awareness targeting riparian communities and other stakeholders for desired attitudes and behaviour to enable local conservation initiatives and best practices.

e) Bi-monthly practical conservation actions such as clean-up of the lake of wastes and consistent monitoring of the lake in terms of biophysical indicators will be enabled.

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