11 Sep 2003 Guaitecas Archipelago, Chile, Central and Latin America Marine | Cetaceans
The Kepenklu Project: Behavioural Ecology and Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Northern Patagonian Fjords, Chile I
The Kepenklu Project: Behavioural Ecology and Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Northern Patagonian Fjords, Chile II
The conservation of Chilean and Peale’s dolphins through research and environmental education.
The overall aim of this project is the conservation of Chilean and Peale’s dolphins through research and environmental education in local communities. This will be the first step towards a greater programme of marine conservation considering these dolphins as flagship species. Habitat selection of dolphins will be studied for the identification of important and critical areas.
A model of habitat selection and movement patterns at a spatio-temporal scale will be designed identifying core areas and home range size. Data will also be used as a baseline for recommendations in the establishment of future marine protected areas and reduce environmental threats on coastal ecosystems.