Temporal and Spatial Changes of Ecosystem Health: Case of Los Chanchos Basin, Uruguay

Gabriela Martínez de la Escalera

Over the last decade Uruguay's ecosystems have been dramatically fragmented and reduced, due to urbanisation, agriculture, livestock, and tourism mainly affecting water quality and biological communities. This study will assess the ecosystem health of a basin in which urbanisation and tourism have increased significantly. To this purpose, different indicators of ecosystem health such as water quality, mammal diversity and zoonotic pathogens will be analysed.

Taking water samples in a sampling campaign.

Taking water samples in a sampling campaign.

The results will be analysed in relation to land use and the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem health will be determined. Furthermore, workshops will be held for schools and public seeking to strengthen the ecosystem population interaction.

Header: Native Forest of the Los Chanchos stream basin, Villa Serrana, Lavalleja, Uruguay. © Our Team.

Project Updates

17 Jan 2024

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