29 Jun 2015 Sayram-Ugam National Park, Kazakhstan, Asia Communities | People | Mammals
The 2015 field work consists the systematic status of Menzbir Marmot population knowledge approach and illegal hunting prevention campaign.
I am doing research of Menzbir Marmot since 2007, since I was a student. This is an animal of my main professional interest. The 2015 field season work is planned as a continuation of 2013-2014 season research. The main scientific topics I should study for my survey completion are:
1. Outline south border of Menzbir Marmot distribution in Kazakhstan to find out answer for a
question: Are there bridges between Kazakh Menzbir Marmot range and the main its population in Uzbekistan? The subspecies status of Kazakh Menzbir Marmots should be confirmed or refuted.
2. Learn Menzbir Marmot behaviour as not well known chapter of this species. I have got 2 camera traps and would like to purchase 5 more with SD-cards for getting veracious behaviour picture.
3. I feel my personal responsibility of Menzbir Marmot surviving in Kazakhstan. Otherwise I will have nothing to study soon. My presence in the area works for Marmot's conservation - I am collecting and hide all the traps I can find, and due me shepherds are not shooting. For sure there is a wildlife protection staff in the Sayram-Ugam National Park, but they are quite busy down protecting Park borders and collecting money for entrance.
The work is going to achieve the systematic status of Menzbir Marmot population in Kazakhstan understanding based on the survey of species native area, habitats and behaviour. The collected in scientific expeditions data will be added to my Ph.D. dissertation materials. I hope to help Menzbir Marmots to survive via participation in campaign for illegal hunting prevention. I always use any opportunity to speak with shepherds on Wildlife protection topics. I always take away traps I find in Marmots colonies.
No one animal will be killed, damaged or taken away from wild nature due my research. I am going to use alive animal in natural environment research methods as watching, chronometry and camera trapping. The habitats will be studied by traditional geobotanical survey methods without collecting herbarium specimens (it is not allowed in the National Parks of Kazakhstan at all). The results of the project will be documented by video and cameras, sound records of Marmots will be obtained by dictaphone.