9 Jul 2015 Shush, Iran, Middle East Education | Turtles | Reptiles
Public Awareness, Education and Research for Protection Euphrates Soft-Shell Turtle in Khuzestan Province of Iran
This project is expected to be able to increase Euphrates Softshell Turtle community based conservation through:
•To continue conservation education of local communities; education and awareness of local
fishermen and also local children and teachers towards Euphrates softshell turtle protection and improving the level of awareness of Local people.
•To involve fishermen in feeding ecology study of Euphrates Softshell Turtle.
2Rafetus euphraticus from Dukan Lake, Sulaimani. © Hanyeh Ghaffari.
In 2009 the first phase of Euphrates Softshell Turtle conservation program began. We successfully completed the first phase of Rafetus euphraticus conservation which funded by the Rufford Small Grants Foundation and the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (SGP) of United Nations Development Programme. The first phase provides confidence to continue the conservation program and move forward to the long-term survival of the Euphrates soft shell turtle.
The present project has conservation and scientific aims:
-Conservation aims:
Establishing Euphrates Softshell Turtle workgroup. Members of the workgroup include representatives from indigenous people, local NGOs, game guards, department of environment members and government. The workgroup will focus on identify key problems, solve conflicts between locals and turtle and increase public awareness. Linking local NGOs, local people and department of environment to work together as a team for one single target: protecting Euphrates Softshell Turtle.
Improving the level of awareness of local people on the importance of Rafetus euphraticua and its habitat.
Increasing Euphrates Softshell Turtle conservation attention in national level.
Reducing fishermen-turtle conflicts in the project area.
-Scientific aim:
This project will include a feeding ecology study. This part of project will help to understand feeding habits of this endangered species.
The project is expected to increase Euphrates Softshell Turtle community-based conservation through:
To continue conservation education of local communities; education and awareness of local fishermen and also local children and teachers towards Euphrates softshell turtle protection and improving the level of awareness of Local people.
To involve fishermen in feeding ecology study of Euphrates Softshell Turtle.