13 Sep 2010 Dezful, Iran, Middle East Turtles | Reptiles
The aims of this project are:
1- Establish baseline information about the habitat use, home range and Movement patterns of the species in order to develop a conservation management plan.
2- Education and awareness of local fishermen and also local children towards Euphrates soft-shell turtle protection.
The project will merge research techniques with public participation.
Euphrates softshell turtle in Balarood River Khuzestan, Iran. © Hanyeh Ghaffari.
The Euphrates softshell turtle, Rafetus euphraticus, is one of the least known species of the Trionychidae. This species has been listed as endangered in the “red list of threatened species” by IUCN. It is found only in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and their tributaries in Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. The main threats to the survival of this species in Iran are fisheries interactions (intentional killing), Habitat destruction and also pollution.
The project will include a yearlong radio telemetry study of Euphrates softshell Turtle in the wild to establish baseline information about the habitat use, home range and Movement patterns of the species in order to develop a conservation management plan that will address conservation and protection needs. This project will be the first study of Rafetus euphraticus home range size.
The grant will be used to purchase radio telemetry equipment. This equipment will be used to answer questions regarding ecological aspects of the softshell turtle behaviour. It is hoped that information during the course of this project will help to identify suitable habitat for the species. As part of the project, local people will engage in the research process and environmental education programs. Our group and also rural residents will monitor the movement patterns of Euphrates softshell Turtle.
We hope that the research efforts will continue to sustain the conservation of this species in Iran.