1 Mar 2002 Madmas River Valley, Trinidad and Tobago, Central and Latin America Biodiversity | Mammals | Plants
This project will collect data on the Madamas Valley's flora and fauna and will assist in the areas designation as a national park.
The Madamas Valley is a key site for biodiversity protection on Trinidad, as there is currently little permanent human activity in it. The site was identified as a potential national park in 1980, but no action has yet been taken to designate the area as protected. Howard and his team believe that if they gather more data on the number of threatened taxa and ecosystems in the valley, the site will have a better chance of being declared a protected area.
The team will measure species richness among birds and mammals in the valley, and provide an index of abundance for the country's most threatened species, the Trinidad Piping Guan, the Neotropical river otter and the Ocelot. Further, they will attempt to capture and radio-track the Trinidad Piping Guan and Neotropical otter.