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Conservation of pelagic sharks in Montenegro - Blue shark chumming
6 Apr 2017 Herceg Novi, Montenegro, Europe Marine | Fishes
Distribution and Conservation of Vulnerable Blue Shark (Prionace glauca L.) in Coastal Waters of Montenegro
Determination of Fishing Effort on Sharks by Montenegrin Marine Fisheries and Multi-Stakeholder Informing About Conservation of These Endangered Species
Main goal of this project is to reduce the mortality of pelagic shark’s individuals caused by tuna fishing. This will be done primary through fishermen education, but through informing other social groups and institutions, too. Negative beliefs about shark’s monstrous nature will be reduced. Fishermen will be encouraged to release them alive and report encounters with sharks. They will get information about shark role in the ecosystem. Forming the database about these species will be done. One of the aims is to form stronger connections with competent institutions and other scientists that are dealing with this problem in the Adriatic Sea and beyond.
During the previous project about Blue shark distribution and conservation, we have confirmed three localities where it is present. Also, its threatening factors were listed, too. During the research, we have established great connections with local fishermen community which are dealing with tuna fishing. That helped us to teach them about shark’s importance for the marine ecosystem and get them involved in this conservation work.
Now, in the second project, we will focus on the other pelagic sharks, too. Some of them were found in our waters during the previous period at the same localities as Blue shark. Main threats to them are the same ones as for the Blue shark. Among them, the most important is tuna fishing, both commercial and sport. Most of these species get caught on the longline intended for tuna, swordfish and other big pelagic fish. They are often found dead on the hooks, but if they are alive, fisherman kills them in order to have a trophy. Similar situation is among those fishermen that are fishing for tuna with rod and reel. Their chum, which is consisted of sardines and other small fish, attracts sharks and they get caught. Most common are Blue shark, Shortfin mako and Thresher shark.
This project will focus on reducing of this impact on already small populations of these species in our coastal sea. Almost all of pelagic sharks are endangered to some degree. It is necessary to explain to fishermen, local community and competent institutions their role and importance for the sea. This will be done by organising lectures in schools, meetings with representatives of the competent institutions and fisherman. Website and Facebook page of the Montenegrin Ecologists Society will be used to inform people about the project progress. TV stations and newspapers will be visited, too. During the fieldwork days, big number of fishermen will be visited and get informed what they should do if they found a shark. Also, biology students from the University will get the chance to volunteer in this kind of research.
Social media video featuring the project.
Conservation of pelagic sharks in Montenegro - Blue shark chumming