30 May 2022 Baramati, India, Indian Sub-continent Communities | Habitats | Farming
A Study of Wolf Distribution and their Interactions with Shepherds in an Agro Pastoral Landscape in Western Maharashtra
An Assessment of Interactions between Large Carnivores and Humans in Fragmented Rocky Habitats in North Karnataka, India
India is a range country for semi-arid savannas which are shared lands for traditional livestock rearing livelihoods and wildlife. Despite such land-sharing being an important conservation strategy in the 21st century, the savannas in India are not valued for their ecological role or livelihood supporting potential. These areas are undergoing rapid land diversions which pose challenges to land-sharing.
© Iravatee Majgaonkar.
My research involves studying fragmented savannas and how pastoralists use these ecological habitats. In order to advocate and plan for shared goals of biodiversity conservation and livelihood security, the understanding of how traditional livelihoods depend on savannas is essential.