Promoting Sustainable Ecosystem Services Utilization for the Conservation of Migori River Basin

16 Apr 2014 Migori, Kenya, Africa Habitats | Education

Isaac Ondigo

Other projects

21 Jun 2017

Biodiversity Conservation and Building Community Resilience through Agroforestry and Apiculture in Migori River Basin

To improve livelihoods, conserve biodiversity of Migori River and ensure sustainable and quality water supply by involving local communities and other relevant stakeholders.

Dragonfly, Deceptive Widow.

Dragonfly, Deceptive Widow.

Migori River Basin is part of the Mara ecosystem which supports Kenya’s Mara National Park, an important world tourist destination and the greater Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. As a result, there is greater need to conserve this important shared ecosystem and everybody should be committed to restore the basin, which is an economic gem for the two countries.

The project will develop bio-indicators to help in the long-term research and monitoring of the biodiversity of Migori River. Also, rehabilitation of the river basin will be carried out through agro forestry using indigenous tree species to ensure continued provision of ecosystem services to the local communities. To ensure sustainability of the project outputs, schools will be involved in awareness creation and information dissemination activities such as essay competitions while the wider community will be engaged in community education and information programmes. Furthermore, user groups particularly farmers will be trained in sustainable agricultural practices while local groups will benefit from capacity building which will culminate in the formation and strengthening of the Migori River Working Group (MRWG).

The project aims at involving the various stakeholders in Migori County to effectively start initiating a management plan for the river and other biodiversity. Through increased capacity building and organizational strength of the local community groups. There will be improvement of the efficiency and sustainability of activities through building skills of partners, seeking learning alliances, identification and adoption of approaches, methods and tools which will improve the conservation of Migori river basin.

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