Enhancing the Conservation of Biodiversity in Mbololo Forest in the Taita Hills through Participatory Forest Management

21 Jul 2005 Mbololo Forest, Taita Hills, Kenya, Africa Forests

James Mwang'ombe Mwamodenyi

Other projects

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Promoting/Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation through Enhanced Indigenous Forest Connectivity in Taita Hills: Phase 1 (Mbololo/Mwambirwa Sgment).

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Promoting/Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation through Enhanced Indigenous Forest Connectivity in Taita Hills: Phase 2 (Kinyeshamvua/Ngangao Segment)

The proposed project will be carried out in Mbololo and Mwambirwa forests that are among the major fragments forming the Taita hills forests that form the northern-most member of the eastern arc mountain forests that are renowned for their biological richness. The overall aim of the work is to enhance the conservation of biodiversity in these forests through improvement of their management. It is anticipated that, the introduction of a Participatory Forest Management system will contribute in a long way towards better management.


The following will be the major activities:


Establishment of a Forest Management Association (FMA) as required by the Forest Department. This will involve the drafting of Articles of Association, the election of interim officials and the application for registration as an Association with the Registrar of Societies;

Capacity building of the FMA in various aspects such as i) the setting up of a secretariat to run the FMA, ii) the setting up of various management committees, iii) the training of the FMA committee members in management of an FMA, and iv) the training of FMA committee members in forest and biodiversity management practices;

Operationalising the Participatory Forest Management (PFM) plan. This would be done through the formulation of operational for the thematic areas identify in the PFM plan, and their subsequent implementation.

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