30 Mar 2015 Tsirang District, Bhutan, Indian Sub-continent Invertebrates | Education
he main goal of the planned project is to inventories the butterfly diversity in Tsirang district and construct a baseline data for butterfly studies in central Bhutan. Secondly, to identify and prioritize the conservation-dependent species and habitat in the region. Thirdly, to disseminate information and values on the importance and role of butterfly plays in our ecosystem through awareness campaigns to the school, students, teachers, forest officials and local peoples in and around the study area.
Bhutan is a part of Indo-Burma global Biodiversity Hotspot. It is also a meeting place of the central Asia and Chinese subdivision of the Palaearctic region. Hence, the region is considered very rich in terms of butterfly diversity; and is an area of significant conservation importance. Vertebrate fauna of Bhutan has been fairly well documented, but little is known about the invertebrate fauna of Bhutan. Invertebrate fauna, especially butterflies have not been studied thoroughly. Bhutan is expected to have about 800 to 900 species of butterfly, but information on their current status and distribution is lacking. Hence, the current study in Tsirang district focused on systematic documentation of butterfly fauna. It may fill the gaps for future butterfly research and planning for conservation programs.
Butterflies will be studied through photo documentation and collection of representative voucher specimens. “Pollard Walk method” will be adopted with modifications based on geographical and climate conditions of the area. “Standard Line Transect” will be identified with the help of GPS coordinates. Field identifications will be carried out with the help of reference books; in case of taxonomically difficult species experts will be consulted to provide photographs and sample specimens. Sample specimens will be preserved as and when collected from the field with proper information. On the completion of the study, the sample specimens will be deposited at “Invertebrate Referral Collection Centre” NBC, Thimphu.
During the study, students will be trained in field activities and handling of specimens. The study also aims to disseminate information and values on the importance and role played by butterfly in maintaining healthy ecosystems, through awareness campaigns to the school, students, teachers, forest officials and local peoples in and around the study area.