Articles featuring the project.
Setopati - A month in the forest trapping the camera, PahiloPost - This photo of the golden cat features: After 187 years, the camera managed to capture it.
Also video below: Small Carnivores in Eastern Nepal
9 Oct 2017 Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale Complex, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Carnivores | Education | Mammals
The main objective of our project is to explore the small carnivore community in Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale complex of eastern Nepal focusing on Binturong. We will also be documenting presence/absence and status of small carnivores using indirect surveys, camera traps, and local interviews. Conservation activities are another major objective of our project. We aim to enhance conservation awareness among local students and community through conservation workshops, posters, and booklets.
Yellow Throated Marten.
Study of small carnivores has been quite restricted in Nepal. Recent discoveries of steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) and ruddy mongoose (Herpestes smithii) point to the possibilities that other small carnivores might have gone undetected as well in Nepal. Our project aims to explore the presence/absence and status of small carnivores in eastern Nepal focused on binturong. Line transects, camera trapping and key informant interviews would be done to collect the data. Conservation workshops in schools and community will also be organised. We hope to educate and raise new generation of citizen scientist in eastern Nepal in the long run.
Major contribution of the project will be a documentation of presence/absence and status of small carnivores (focusing binturong), identification of threats to small carnivores, and sensitization among students and local community about small carnivores in the Tinjure-Milke-Jaljale complex of eastern Nepal.
Articles featuring the project.
Setopati - A month in the forest trapping the camera, PahiloPost - This photo of the golden cat features: After 187 years, the camera managed to capture it.
Also video below: Small Carnivores in Eastern Nepal