Monitoring of the Highly Endangered Eel in Montenegro Due to the Assessment of the State and Potential Changes to the Law on Fisheries in Accordance with EU

1 Mar 2018 Skadar Lake, Montenegro, Europe Fishes

Jelena Brnović

Other projects

16 Mar 2021

Research of a Critically Endangered Species of European Eel in Skadar Lake - Montenegro

Our primary goal is to do monitoring of Anguila anguilla L. What will serve as a starting point for better understanding the biology of these species and for further research for her own protection as a critically endangered species, which is a global problem. With this project we'll make an estimate of the entry and exit of eels in the migration period, and thus we'll gain a better insight and relevant information on eel number in Montenegro. We're also planning to organize a round table, lectures on faculty of science and mathematics, in schools and educative workshops for locals and fishermens. By participating on television stations, we will inform the public about the importance of protecting this globally endangered species and its natural habitat, primarily with the Skadar Lake, which besides being a habitat of very diverse biodiversity, is also one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in our country.


The European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) represents an economically very important species in the whole world where it occurs, as well as in Montenegro. Adults are fished throughout the year, except for adults, glass eels are also fished, which are considered to be exceptional delicacies. European eel numbers have dropped as much as 99% since the early eighties of previous century. Due to excessive overfishing it has become critically endangered species to the whole world. Considering that in Montenegro the most present number of eels inhabit the Skadar Lake and River Crnojevica its preservation would improve the quality and diversity of populations that inhabit those three for our country ecologically important and necessary habitats.

We want to do more detailed and precise research for better understanding of the biology of this species, and the data we collect will serve as a basis for future work on its preservation and research. We are planning to organize a round table and workshops in order to achieve cooperation with the National Park Skadar Lake, fishing companies and other related non-governmental organizations to work together to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the eel as a critically endangered species.

Also with this project we want to make an estimate of the entry and exit of glass eels in the migration period and thus we will gain a better insight and relevant information on the number of this critically endangered specie, and in this way we will make the basis that is necessary for further work on the preservation of this globally endangered species. What will also be planned for achieving with this project are also educational workshops in schools where young generations will be introduced in advance with our natural habitat inhabited by this species, and then with its significance. Although the eel is on the list of critically endangered species, this status has not helped us much to protect it, because its overfishing still continues, so this project primary would lead to the reduction of overfishing to the bottom of the border by trying to influence in the possibility of changing the current law on fisheries in Montenegro, which would enable the renewal of the eel population in both Montenegro and the wider region.

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