This project will aim to conserve snow leopards through establishing a sustainable prey source for snow leopards in Alatao mountain and eliminate man-made threats.
Two Observed Snow Leopards in Alatao Mountain during our field investigation in March 2009.
Snow leopard is listed on the IUCN red list as a critically endangered species. Most remaining snow leopard in the wild are distributed in central Asia, among which, Xinjiang, China is one of the most important region where snow leopards inhabit. Nowadays, in Xinjiang, there is an estimated snow leopard population of about 1200, which is under serious threats all the same due to various reasons such as the degradation of the ecological environment of snow leopards, the conflict between snow leopards and human communities near habitats of snow leopards, etc. As one of the main snow leopard habitats within western Xinjiang, the Alatao mountain area is experiencing such problems including the rapid reduction of food sources due to the endemic disease among snow leopards' main prey of northern goat, the conflict between snow leopards and local herdsmen whose raised livestock are often preyed by snow leopards. Some snow leopards died of hunger, and some are shot dead when they hunt for herdsmen's livestock in consequence. In order to conserve the endangered snow leopard population of less than 50 in Alatao mountain, it is necessary to take immediate measures to release and reduce the factors endangering the survival of the remaining endangered snow leopard.
Two saved young snowleopards fed well by us with snow chicken and we are planing to free them into the wild after their food sources is guaranteed in the wild
Through the communities based snow leopard conservation awareness actions, this project will help reduce and eliminate the conflicts between wild snow leopards and local communities, arising more widespread grass root initiatives of snow leopard conservation among the conservation frontiers, which will be a solid basis for on-going ecological remedy work of the snow leopard habitats. Through our experiment-proved methods, we will establish a stable food source for snow leopards by artificial reproduction of local wild snow chicken in bulk and freeing them within the habitat of snow leopards. Our research has proved that the snow chicken is an omnivorous, fast growing species with strong disease resistance ability, both young and adult snow leopards grow well relying on only snow chicken. Therefore, it can serve as an ideal main food source for snow leopard and solve the urging problem of the depletion of wild prey populations consisting of several other species.
In consequence, this project will provide a stable food source for the sustainable survival of snow leopard, eliminate the conflicts between livestock-hunting snow leopards and local herdsmen and create a harmonious ecological environment where snow leopards and local communities coexist peacefully.