Contribution to the Management of the Andean Bear-Human Interactions in the Influence Area of Puracé National Natural Park, Southwestern Colombia

17 Feb 2020 Puracé National Natural Park, Colombia, Central and Latin America Carnivores | Conflict | Mammals

Jorge Mario Becoche Mosquera

Other projects

29 Sep 2016

Registering the Presence of Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in an Andean Forest on the Western Slopes of the Central Cordillera, Totoró-Cauca, Colombia

20 Jan 2023

Supporting Local Capacities for the Conservation of Threatened Mammals in Purace National Park and Surrounding Areas

Our project seeks to implement a comprehensive landscape management strategy where interactions between Andean bear - human, involving the diagnosis of the problem, environmental education activities, research and implementation of conflict management batteries are presented, management and planning of sustainable productive activities on vulnerable farms and proper landscape management. It is also expected to establish a community monitoring strategy of Andean bear and associated species in the five locations of the influence area of the Puracé Natural National Park with the intention of measuring the impact of previously raised conservation interventions on Andean bear populations, to involve institutions to join forces and inspire local communities in the protection and conservation of wildlife, in particular the Andean bear, from generating a pilot planning and property management experience of a farm critically vulnerable to the Andean bear - human conflict.


Our project has been structured in 4 general activities:

Socialization: A concertation workshop will be held with each of the selected communities and environmental activities will be agreed upon with the project that can support and request information about the Andean bear conflict. In the last month, each of the community monitoring groups set up will be responsible for socializing the results with the support of our team. Dissemination material will be generated (flyers, posters) on the management of conflict scenarios between the Andean - human bear for rural communities.

Work with local community: A pilot experience of property planning, implementation of sustainable productive alternatives and application of conflict management batteries will be established on a farm in the study area and that presents conflicts with the Andean bear, and its owners intend to be an example for the community. The strategy and community monitoring group will be integrated and included within the management and conservation plans of the Andean bear carried out by the local authorities’ CAM, CRC and PNN Puracé.

Distribution and Natural History: Additional information on the presence of the Andean bear in the influence area of the protected area will be provided, identify areas of greatest Andean-human bear conflict for the implementation of a pilot of sustainable productive activities and batteries of conflict. Abundance, occupation area and behavior of the species based on data obtained from community monitoring.

Aspects of conservation: A pilot experience of farm planning will be established in a farm selected by the communities and environmental authorities that has presented conflicts with the Andean bear. The strategy and the community monitoring group will be included within the management and conservation plans of the Andean bear who advanced the CAM, CRC and PNN Puracé.

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