Determine the status, distribution and habitat preference of skink along part of Cameroon highland in order to develop some conservation plans.
Lacertapis chriswildii.
This research presents a particularly conservation action including endemics skinks of part of the Cameroon highland and is focalise on the distribution and ecology of skinks.
Several species of this group have a restricted range along the Cameroon volcanic line being very cryptic and only appear at particular periods of the year. Some of them are endemic to the Cameroon highlands (eg.Trachylepis mekuana, Lacertapi schriswildi, L. lepesmei, L. gemmiventris, Leptosiaphos ianthinoxantha, L. vigintiserierum, L. pauliani). Unfortunately the habitat occupied by these species is being destroyed by various anthropogenic activities including agricultural development, deforestation, pasture burning, overgrazing by livestock with a highest fatal effect on endemic skink species
This project will help to
1) Determine skinks diversity in mounts Bamboutos, Oku and Manengouba;
2) Determine the distribution and habitat preferences of skinks in different habitat types in the study area;
3) Record GPS coordinates of endemic skinks to map species distributions;
4) Based on data collected, propose a major conservation action at various sites
This project will as well provide detailed information on various habitats used by the target species to best assess their tolerance to various threats.
Field works will be carrying out during dry and rainy seasons on Localities of Mt Manengouba, Bamboutos and Oku. Methods using is Visual encounter survey and systematic excavation of microhabitat to follow an altitudinal gradient to best describe species distribution.