16 Aug 2016 Gujarat, India, Indian Sub-continent Habitats | Plants
The present work will be an important baseline for research and conservation of the endemic and threatened flowering plants and their habitat in Gujarat state.
Dolichandrone falcata.
Conservation emphasis has now shifted from single species to whole habitat and ecosystem. Lack of recent documentation is one of the main reasons for the endemic data to be minimal. In the present study, the forest patches with greater number of endemic and threatened plant taxa will be identified and prioritized through intensive fieldwork. The present work will be an important baseline for research and conservation of the endemic and threatened flowering plants and their habitat in Gujarat state. The refugia will be identified and assigned conservation priorities at national as well as global level. An inventory of the endemic and threatened flowering plants occurring in the study area will be prepared; moreover, good resolution photographs will be captured during the fieldwork for easy identification. IUCN Red List assessments will be carried out for those plant species of which all relevant information has been collected and documented. The local communities will be educated about the value of endemic and threatened plant species.
Awareness would be created amongst them by distributing booklets, brochures and flyers during the public meetings and workshops. The data on endemic and threatened species gathered during the present study such as distribution, phenology, threats, population studies, along with good photographs and other observational notes will be published in peer-reviewed journals and brief articles will be communicated in the regional newspapers and media. Periodic monitoring will be done to check whether the endemic and threatened plants are still thriving. Mobile numbers would be exchanged with the local people so as to communicate any kind of information or update regarding the identified refugia. Also frequent visits will be carried out at the rehabilitation centres so as to know if there are any challenges faced by the local people during propagation of endemic and threatened species.