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Dinarski gusteri Dinarolacerta RTCG1 2016
12 Apr 2016 Orjen Mountain, Montenegro, Europe Reptiles | Habitats
Research, Conservation and Promotion of the Endemic Balkan Rock Lizards (Dinarolacerta spp.) in Montenegro
The main aims of the project are to research the distribution, population trends and threats to Dinarolacerta lizards in the mountains of Montenegro in order to set conservation priorities.
Dinarolacerta montenegrina.
The Mosor rock lizard (Dinarolacerta mosorensis) and Prokletije rock lizard (D. montenegrina) are endemic species of the Dinaric mountains in the Western Balkans occurring in a fragmented manner around or within open forests at high altitudes. The pilot surveys conducted within the frame of our first RSG project identified several anthropogenic factors that strongly affect habitats of these lizards in Montenegro. Also we recorded microhabitat preferences and abundances of Dinaric rock lizards on several study locations in Montenegro. Our findings point to the need for further detailed research of distribution and statuses of Dinarolacerta populations which can then be used to establish priorities for the conservation of each species.
In this project we are going to continue research of distribution, population trends and threats to Dinarolacerta lizards in the mountains of Montenegro. We will perform field surveys on Orjen Mt., Maganik Mt. and Komovi Mts. in order to check old distributional records, record possible new locations of occurrence, determine activity patterns of lizards, their abundances and quantify structural features of the habitats. Obtained data will be compared to those gathered on other Dinarolacerta populations during the course of previous RSG project in order to provide more complete information of their states and habitats in Montenegro. Manuscripts will be written and submitted to local and international scientific journals. Also we plan to start an initiative for legal protection of the Prokletije rock lizard in Montenegro and conduct educational and public awareness campaigns with special focus on protection of lizards’ habitats. The campaigns will be run through lectures and presentations in local schools, internet presentation, press, radio and TV interviews and distribution of promotional material. The results of our previous and current projects will be presented to local decision makers in order to discuss problems of threats to forest habitats of Dinaric lizards and formulate priorities in prevention of deforestation in their municipalities.
Social media video featuring the project.
Dinarski gusteri Dinarolacerta RTCG1 2016