27 Feb 2014 Prokletije Mountains, Montenegro, Europe Reptiles
Assessing Threats and Setting Conservation Priorities for Endemic Balkan Rock Lizards (Dinarolacerta spp.) and their Habitats in the Mountains of Montenegro
The main aims of the project are to determine some ecological parameters and to conduct awareness campaign for conservation of endemic montane Balkan lizards Dinarolacerta spp. in Montenegro.
Prokletije rock lizard from Kastrat katun.
Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Mosor rock lizard) and D. montenegrina (Prokletije rock lizard) are endemic and highly habitat-specialized lizards restricted to relic oro-mediterranean landscapes of white-barked pine woods of Dinaric mountains in the Western Balkans, including Montenegro. The Mosor rock lizard is listed as vulnerable species according to IUCN criteria, owing to severely fragmented and limited distribution and a declining extent and quality of its habitats. The specific status of the Prokletije rock lizard (stenoendemic of Montenegro), has been recently established, formerly presenting a small isolated population of the Mosor rock lizard. However, precise data on population parameters, habitat characteristics and threatening factors of these lizards are still lacking. These data are important for establishing monitoring programs and planning further conservation measures for both species and their fragile patchy habitats. Awareness campaign for conservation of Dinarolacerta spp. and their importance to biodiversity of Montenegro is also required, due to limited knowledge or general public's ignorance toward Reptiles.
Our aims are to: estimate population size, density and sex ratio of the Mosor rock lizard in two mountains (Prekornica and Lovćen mts.) and of the Prokletije rock lizard in its unique locality in Djebeza mt. (Prokletije mountain massif); to check the distribution and identify habitat requirements and topographic factors that may determine the range limits of both endemic species; to check and record possible threatening factors at studied locations.Obtained data will serve as baseline information for long-term monitoring of the species population statuses and their habitats.
Educational and awareness raising campaigns will be run through lectures and presentations in local schools and at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – Department for Biology in Podgorica, internet presentation, press, radio and TV interviews.
Also, we are going to organize the round table with representatives of environmental decision makers and to establish connections with regional NGOs, to build up future partnership in developing conservation strategies for these lizards.