22 Mar 2016 National Park Tara, Serbia, Europe Invertebrates | Habitats
Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Status of Specialized Aphid/Parasitoid Trophic Associations in Endangered Coniferous Forests of Serbia
The aim of this project is to investigate taxonomical and ecological composition of aphids and aphid parasitoid communities in high mountain habitats. We are also going to compare composition and frequency of plant-aphid-parasitoid species, and evaluate the level of human influence, by visiting protected areas and locations that are under human influence.
Ladybug, indicator of aphid presence.
Aphid parasitoids, generally, is a diverse group. Fauna of high mountain area is very specific, due to short summers. Because of that, parasitoids and their hosts have just few weeks for development. Consequently, tritrophic associations in this high mountain habitat can be very specialized because of specific habitat conditions. Due to many changes, mostly caused by human impact, these high mountain areas are classified as endangered habitat. Hence, some species living in these habitats are vulnerable to extinction. Because of the specificity of the habitat and specificity of the parasitoid-host-plant associations these entomofauna is very interesting group to be explored. Besides some taxa that are well-known and easy to find, there are some extremely rare and highly specific ones.
High mountain aphids (Aphididae) and aphid parasitoids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) possess low biocontrol importance, and consequently are poorly investigated.
We plan to investigate the taxonomical and ecological composition and structure of aphid and aphid parasitoid communities in high mountain habitats. This project aims to gather precise information about parasitoids and their hosts on Serbian high mountains. During the fieldwork we will describe the habitat characteristics in details, and collect samples for further research. Also, we will provide educational material with the aim of presenting the subject to other biologists and to the public. This material will be available at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, at the Belgrade City Library, Scientific Department and also at National Parks where our field work will be conducted. We will also give lectures, before, during and after the research, to everyone interested in this issue on Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and also in The City Library in Belgrade.
We are planning to achieve the following objectives:
-Create a check-list of Aphidiinae species and plant-aphid-parasitoid associations in high mountain region (Tara, Golija, Kopaonik, Stara planina and Suva planina mountains)
-Identify possible unknown locations of occurrence of these species within above mentioned mountains
-Check and record possible threatening factors at these locations
-Compare obtained results with previous studies, if available, to see if there was any change during the past few decades
- Present our research on the next congress of Entomological Society of Serbia
-Publish the results of the research in local and international journals
-Give lectures about this issue on Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
-Rise awareness among farmers and tourist operators on our subject locations