6 Oct 2015 Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Côte d'Ivoire, Africa Mammals
The project aims to save the Nimba Otter Shrew from extinction by engaging activities that will stop all known causes of decline of this species and gathering of species level data for the development of National Conservation Action.
Nimba Otter Shrew.
The MNSN Reserve in Côte d’Ivoire, which covers 5,000 hectares, was classified as an UNESCO World Heritage site. It harbors numerous species of animals which are considered as strict endemics. This reserve is the main stronghold of the endemic Nimba Otter Shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei). The species is globally listed as endangered, although preliminary field surveys suggest it may even beat a higher risk of extinction due to increasing human impact.
The goal of this project is to save this species from extinction through awareness raising among local stakeholders, restoration of degraded habitats and gathering of species level data for the development of National Conservation Action. By using the Nimba Otter Shrew as a flagship, we hope to protect many threatened endemic species of the MNSN Reserve and the ecosystem as a whole. Three main activities are planned within this project, these include:
1. Conservation education and awareness campaigns;
2. Species micro habitat restoration and extension;
3. Field surveys.
Specifically, door to door sensitization and awareness meetings will be held in the villages around the reserve. We will raise awareness and knowledge of sustainable wildlife management and existing wildlife protection laws of Côte d’Ivoire in order to reduce all illegal activities of local people within the reserve. Weekly environmental education awareness programs will be introduced to local radio station for wide diffusion of the conservation message in the region.
Also, we will work with local communities to restore and extend the species micro habitat through an indigenous forest tree planting in swampy degraded area in the MNSN Reserve. To understand the species geographical distribution in the region, we will interview the local people living in its historical range. Also, we will use mark-recapture method to determine the population size of the Nimba Otter Shrew in the reserve and in some local people's lands. We will map species collection sites using Global Positioning System (GPS) and produce a distribution map of this species for conservation Action.Blood will be collected for genetic data analysis in order to more understand the phylogeny of this species. This project would result in changes in local people’s attitude concerning the need to safeguard this Otter Shrew and by extension the reduction of illegal activities that threatens the survival of this species.