Conservation of Two Critically Endangered Species: Nomascus concolor and Nomascus leucogenys in Muong Nhe Nature Reserve, Vietnam

7 Sep 2023 Muong Nhe Nature Reserve, Vietnam, Asia Primates | Communities | Mammals

Ky Lau A

Nomascus concolor and Nomascus leucogenys are endemic species to Northern Vietnam, Northern Lao PDR and China’s southern most region. The two species are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Muong Nhe Nature Reserve is in the triangle border between Vietnam, Lao PDR and China. The reserve is the only place where both species occur in their entire natural range. However, their population in this reserve is unclear as they were reported to occur in the reserve through a rapid survey in 2010 (Nguyen et al. 2010).

This project aims to study and document an accurate estimate of the population of the two gibbon species and their primary threats and recommend long-term habitat protection and threat mitigation for the species survival and recovery.

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