23 Feb 2005 Lagoons of Damani and Juglí, Panama, Central and Latin America Plants | Mammals
Abundance, Distribution and Conservation of the Antillean Manatee in Panama´s Caribbean Coast (Phase II)
Implementation of the Manatee Conservation Plan in San San Pondsak Wildlife Sanctuary, Panama
This project will be the first research and conservation effort on the part of local Panamanian scientists to maintain manatee populations as part of Panama's and the Wider Caribbean fauna.
The Antillean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus)is a member of the Trichechidae Family and belongs to the Order Sirenia that includes the Dugongidae Family,represented by the Dugong (Dugong dugon) and the extinct Steller´s sea cow (Hidrodamalis gigas). The Antillean manatee has the largest range of Sirenia, found throughout the greater Caribbean area, including southern Texas, Mexico, Central America and north-eastern South America. However, quantitative information is limited regarding trends in the abundance of Antillean manatee, although historical accounts indicate they were once more common and that hunting has been responsible for declining numbers throughout much of their range. Its distribution and abundance have only been spottily documented in recent years.
In Panama, available information about the manatee and it ecology is based upon information from interviews, anecdotes from informants and a few hours of overflights with the purpose of determining the presence of the species along the Panamanian Caribbean coast. Thomas O´Shea´s aerial surveys in 1987 gave a total of 72 manatees while Luis Mou Sue´s aerial flight in 1990 accounted for 70 manatees. This project will be the first research and conservation effort on the part of local Panamanian scientists to maintain manatee populations as part of Panama´s and the Wider Caribbean fauna. It will produce up-to-date data on the Antillean manatee in Panama, including recommendations for management and protection actions.
We will conduct a six-month field assessment on the abundance, distribution and conservation of the Antillean Manatee in suitable habitat areas located in Panama´s Caribbean coast, ranging from the San-San Pondsak Wetlands to the Lagoons of Damani and Juglí. Research methodology will consist of four components:
a) Aerial survey overflights,
b) Interview Surveys,
c) Use of Geographic Information Systems,
d) On-site Assessment,
e) Tagging.